Last weekend, my new copy of Pagemaker arrived, and since then, I've been laying out PDFs of projects I've been working on while I've been dark. Most importantly, my freeform race creation book, Freeform Anthropomorphic has been renamed Fursona and will be out within the next few days.
It clocks in at about 105 pages, and is more than twice the size of the original Freeform Anthropomorphica release.
Also expect within the next week a mid-length sourcebook of origins and starting occupations for Pathfinder RPG characters, entitled Before the Adventure. Also look for two short Advanced Classes for use with my sci-fi lines: Otherverse America, Psi-Watch and Galaxy Command. I'll be doing a few more classes in suppprt of those lines too.
Finally, I'm waiting on a few pieces of art for the Revised Otherverse America. I'll begin laying that monster out soon, and maybe set it up for POD through RPGNow.com.
Anyway, expect a good Spring and Summer of releases.
Blessed Be,