I’ve just started reading the Wild Cards novel series.
couple of weeks ago, I picked up the Green Ronin M&M Wild Cards sourcebook-
it was at the Hastings
bookstore in my town, used for 5 bucks. So I picked it up, and it was a decent
intro to the world. Intrigued enough to try some of the books themselves, I
found Book 1, and several later books. So far, in addition to the sourcebook-
which is an overview of the Wild Cards series until the end of the “Card
Sharks” arc, I’ve read through Book 1, Aces Aboard (book 4, the world tour arc,
and the best of the books so far) and Ace in the Hole (book 6, the 1988
presidential primary story), and I’d just started on Card Sharks, which I think
is book 15 or 16 in the series.
Anyway, George RR Martin’s Wild Card shared universe is a
lot like what I’m doing with Otherverse America- this intricate and authentic
alternate world with hardcore political satire mixed in among its action. I’m
enjoying the series, so far. As I mentioned above, Aces Abroad was possibly the
best single book, though after I finished the first book, I read Ace in the
Hole first. I’m a huge fan of Hartman and really enjoyed seeing the end of his
arc. (Yes, I’m reading the books out of order- since my ‘collection’ has such
huge gaps, and I’ve already gotten spoilers from the RPG, I’m just reading
through the books in the order they catch my eye.)
The strength of the series is the shared world aspect and
the multiplicity of characters. Having so many people involved in the series,
each writing a few signature characters over the course of a dozen or more
novels, gives Wild Cards a real unpredictability. Each character in the series
(Tachyon, Hartman, Gimli, and all the other players) reacts differently,
offering greater diversity of personalities than you’d get even from the most
skilled single writer. In a way, the Wild Cards series is like a very long
running RPG campaign, which is appropriate because it apparently had its
genesis in an old Superworld RPG that
Martin ran back during the 70s and 80s.
I’m also somewhat puzzled by the differences between the licensed
RPG and the world as presented in the novels. First, the RPG’s introductory
editorial was a bit pretentious- “Oh this isn’t comics. We’re doing alternate
history, our plots are so much more plausible and mature and serious than
comics. Comics are for kids!” Horseshit, Wild Cards is well written and well
thought out, but it’s an interlaced superhero universe, with as much backstory,
and as many if not more crossovers than Marvel or DC. Wild Cards was obviously
influenced by mainstream comics- Claremont’s
X-Men had a role in the series’ creation, I’m sure. Wild Cards also seems to be
VERY influential in mainstream comics, and I didn’t quite realize how much
until I started reading the novels.
Grant Morrison’s New X-Men run, which introduced mutants
with weird deformities and no appreciable powers, like Beak, seems a straight
lift from the ‘jokers’ of the Wild Cards novels. Marvel’s Mutant Town
in NYC is an almost perfect duplicate of Joker Town.
Over in Astro City, Kurt Bruisek lifted Jube the
Walrus (a newsvendor and spy for an alien empire), changed his appearance
slightly and inserted him an issue of Astro City.
Which, I suppose, is another good reason to dislike Bruisek, aside from his patronizing
writing style and rampant hardon for Silver Age nostalgia. Lots of the flavor
of Wild Cards found itself into Warren Ellis’ excellent Transmetropolotian, but
I can’t think of any exact lifts, save for one. Ellis’ Smiler (a corrupt
sociopath successfully masquerading as a compassionate politician) looks
FUCKING EXACTLY like the Tim Truman art on the cover of Ace in the Hole, which
features a close up of Senator Gregg Hartman. I don’t know if Ellis himself
read any Wild Cards stuff (I’d guess yes, because he seems like a pretty well
read dude), but judging by the visual similarities, I’d bet Derrick Robertson
Anyway, the real strength of the series, as I said before,
are the characters themselves. My thoughts on some of my favorites (and least
Senator Gregg Hartman- far and away, my favorite character in the novels to
date. Hartman is such a miserable, manipulative little rat-fuck, you can’t help
be fascinated by him. He’s one of the most selfish and malicious villain
protagonists I’ve ever read and is just so hilariously EVIL he comes off as
almost epic. I find myself wandering which came first, Wild Cards I (which
introduced Hartman) or Stephen King’s The
Dead Zone? Whichever it is, maybe since we get to see him scheme over the course
of 6 books before he gets his karmic due in Ace in the Hole, Hartman seems like
a more intriguing villain than the bad guy in Dead Zone.
Dr. Tachyon- this guy is so hilariously useless. Reading
through the RPG sourcebook, I got the impression that Tachyon is this grand
schemer, manipulating the world. In the novels, by contrast, he seems mostly
reactive- despite his royal pretensions, this guy isn’t much of a leader. To
me, he seems a mix of serious figure (25%) and unintentional comic relief (75%)-
he’s this overly demonstrative, metrosexual mad scientist who dresses like a
Ren-Faire pirate with anime hair who occasionally gets great lines (his
sarcastic dismissal of the Soviets in Aces Abroad is amazingly cool). Another
change from the RPG- his telepathic abilities seem impressive in M&M terms,
but are pretty minor in the books- plus, Tachyon is too much of a scmuck to
ever use his telepathy intelligently.
Xavier Desmond- I seriously hate this moron. From the RPG
summary (and his name I suppose), I figured him to be the setting’s Xavier
figure- a moderate voice for Jokers’ rights. Seriously, I’ve got very low
tolerance for moderate, non-violent advocates for the rights of oppressed
minorities. Talking comics, I prefer Magneto’s philosophy over Xavier’s, and in
real life, I think the world needs a lot more Malcolm Xes than it does Martin
Luther Kings. Plus, the character does absolutely nothing, accomplishes
absolutely nothing, and his journals, which form the framing story for Book 4:
Aces Abroad, are incredibly whiny and self serving. I’m kind of shocked how
little the ‘mayor of Jokertown’ actually matters to the story. By contrast, I
fucking love Gimli- hardassed, temperamental little bastard that he was.
Finally, the art in the RPG oddly depicted Desmond as a brawny, athletic
figure….while in the book he’s a 70 year old man, dying rapidly of cancer.
Crystalis- I like her a lot, mostly because of her visually
awesome mutation. While I was glad we lost Desmond in book 4, I was sorry to
see her die so early in the series. I want to find book 5, which focuses on her
death and final days in depth, even though I know it’s going to be a Brendan
centric book (ugh). Since part of her back story is that she’s a girl from Ohio that affects a
British accent, I keep hearing Madonna’s voice in my head when I read her
lines. (You’ll be pleased to know I hear Dr. Zoidberg’s voice reading Father
Squid’s lines. Woop-woop-woop.)

Mackie Messer: another fucking awesome villain. He’s equal
parts pathetic and vile. Half the time you’re reading his story, you just want
to give the little twerp a hug. I know Wild Cards and Watchmen came out near
simultaneously, and I find it interesting how psychologically similar Messer is
to Rorschach. He’s also got one of the most awesome combat powers in the
series- I find myself making a little buzz saw noise under my breath every time
he kills somebody in Book 6….and this fucker kills A LOT of people. I saw
online (in the linked article below) that a key scene with Messer is described
as the most terrifying blowjob ever written, and yes, that description is very
accurate. You’ll notice my favorite characters in the books- Hartman, Messer,
Gimli- are the bad guys, which is because many of the heroes in Wild Cards are
either assholes or schmucks. Even Crystalis is more of a neutral info-broker
and blackmailer than a hero. It’s kind of a pessimistic world.
Of the heroes, I’m not a fan of many of the series big
names. Tachyon is a shockingly inept little prick, Jack Braun screws up pretty
much everything he’s ever attempted, though his continued efforts at redemption
are both endearing and cool. Plus his obvious PTSD and the fact he's dealing with it (mostly) makes him one of fiction's cooler veterans. Of the big heroes, I do like the pragmatic and
blue collar Turtle the best. Harlem Hammer is awesome- taciturn, cranky and
pissed as hell. I was gratified there was a scene in Aces Abroad showing him
recovering after taking several full clips from multiple AK-47s and having a
van fall on him. That guy is too cool to die, and I was surprised at how
emotional I got when I thought this relatively minor character had been killed.
I like most of the Jokers- they make the Wild Cards setting
so unique, and are more vital to the story, collectively, then the Aces, which
are more like typical superheroes. Most of the minor aces sorta bore me, but
I’m fascinated by the minor Jokers by contrast. How do they live, what kind of
weird medical needs and anatomical quirks do they have? Crystalis, Angelface, the
Joker family Demise meets in Atlanta, Doughboy, Succubus, Chuck and the 50s-era
jokers in Til I Kissed Her, and a
bunch more are these super imaginative body horror creations that you have to
love these freaks. Not many of them have powers in the comic book sense, but
most of ‘em are so original it’s not a lack.
Hiram Worchester is also surprisingly likeable even if he’s
possessed/addicted as of book 6. In the RPG, he seemed like a fat fuck with a
minor gravity control power. In the books, he’s actually really good with his
power- he pulls of Star Boy style gravity stunts and is entertainingly
brutal….another reason I want to get ahold of Book Five.
Loved the Living Gods (book 4), but as a modern worshipper
of Bast who has also had great success lately in invoking Ma’at, what’d you
expect? I just finished up Dr. Finn’s story in Card Sharks, and despite his
conspicuous wealth, I like the guy, perhaps because his chapter held the
viscerally nastiest Card Sharks conspiracy to date in the novel.
My least favorite character so far isn’t an Ace or a Joker-
it’s the human archer Brendan/Yeoman. Brendan is this horrible action movie
cliché storm tossed into an otherwise interesting fictional world. He’s a
badass Vietnam
vet slash ninja who swore vengeance on the Vietnamese crimelord who killed his
wife and kid. Seriously, there’s not one fucking thing about Brendan that’s
original. If Wild Cards were a movie, he’d be played by Steven Segal. Maybe my
opinion of the guy will change if I get my hands on Book Five, but I doubt it.
I haven’t warmed to Mark Meadows yet either. In the first book, I skipped the Transfigurations chapter, which intro’ed
him. I just couldn’t get into it, mostly because Meadows seems like such a one
dimensional character- the stereotypical hippy. I kinda want to read the Free
Vietnam storyline and see him in action, but right now, Mark’s not even on my
One thing I didn’t expect is that two of the best written
stories so far have focused on abortion. I know that I shouldn’t be shocked,
given that Wild Cards plays with every other aspect of human life, but I kinda
am. Down By The Nile (which is an
amusing coincidence, as I didn’t read the story until a few days ago, and I
named the Bastian kids show in Otherverse America several years ago) and Til I Kissed Her both had abortion as a
key plot element. In Down By the Nile, Tachyon is pressuring Peregrine to have
an abortion, as her kid will probably end up a deformed Joker, and Til I Kissed
Her features a pre-Roe abortion (and I wonder if the duck-billed joker Doc is a
speculatum joke?). Both felt authentic and well written, and the events in Til
I Kissed Her spin Fluer’s words and actions in Book 6 in a totally new light.
Also, and I hope this is answered in another book, given Tachyon’s feelings
about joker births and his medical skill, I wonder if his Blythe Van Resseler
Memorial clinic is set up to perform abortions? Hell, if I ever get asked to
join the Wild Cards mosaic (small chance of that, right), that’d be the first
story I’d write.
Anyway, speaking of unintentional similarities between my
writing and Wild Cards, Fortunato is totally a Black Tokyo PC. Seriously, if you read his story in Book I, you’ll
see what I mean. I don’t want to spoil it for you…..
Blessed Be,