Okay, I'm going to be laying out The Modern Grimorie tonight and tomorrow, and it should be up in a couple of days. Right now, unless I add another spell or two, the Grimorie stands at 119 spells for modern and sci-fi gaming.
Sex and Story just hit and seems to be selling very well. Free20: Fight for Choice should be coming out sooner or later, probably this week.
I'm working on Black Tokyo's Unlimited Edition, and having a great time of it. As I mentioned last post, I'm going prefecture by prefecture. My original draft had most of the plot hooks concentrated in three main locations: Tokyo, which is understandable because it's both one of the largest cities on the planet and because it is part of the campaign's NAME, and Northern Japan, specifically the Amori Prefecture and Okinawa. I knew those last two the best because I was stationed at Misawa AFB for about two years, and as a military guy, I'm plenty familiar with Okinawa as well.
Anyway, as I'm laying out the new edition, I'm trying to give the rest of the country more love and some more screen time as well. As I'm writing, I've noticed several plot threads starting to emerge, each of which could be the center piece of a campaign. So far we have a 'magic high school' thread, a 'artificial girls' thread, a 'blue collar modern magic' thread and a 'mythical police' military thread. I'm also building in tons more NPCs and supporting characters and I think I will include a fictionalized version of Princess Aiko as a benefactor and force for good in the campaign- a kind, innocent child empress that sends good guy PCs on missions.
The artificial girls thread is something that just jumped out at me... you have all these artificially created female races running around Black Tokyo as store-bought magi-tech sex slaves, and in many cases the artificial women are smarter and more determined then the men who buy them.So that creates an interesting dynamic and opens up some cool plot hooks.
Anyway, with Otherverse America, I had the core conflict and main storyline mapped out before I wrote a single page, though occasionally new elements would creep in and take my setting in a new direction: the Nuremberg AI especially. With Black Tokyo Unlimited it's less planned out. I have some things I want to explore- the role of women in Japan, surviving rape, turning weakness into strength, raunchy sexual humor and extreme fetish elements, which I think a hentai adventure game can be a good fit for. However, beyond those rough concepts, I'm just letting ideas come as the come.
Should be interesting to see where everything ends up.
Finally, a cute Halloween note.
One of my coworkers told me this morning her 9 year old daughter picked out her costume early and was now bored with it. While my friend wasn't going to buy her daughter an entirely new costume, she was thinking of modding the existing one to make it more fun for her kid. I asked her what the costume was, thinking I might have an idea.
My friend replied her daughter had picked out a Cleopatra costume. Now, I was kinda amazed that a 3rd grader even knew Cleopatra, but told her why not do an Egyptian god? Get a dog mask or a fake snout and she could be Anubis, a beak and some feathers in her hair she could go as Toth or Horus (and I know those are male gods,but in a kid's Halloween costume, theological accuracy is neither needed nor required)...or she could get cat ears and some whiskers and go as Bast. My friend loved the last idea the best, so I think as a result of this conversation, an adorable little Bast will be trick or treating Wednesday night.
Blessed Be,
Monday, October 29, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Arranging Black Tokyo
Okay, this last week (in between brawling with punks) I have been working on Black Tokyo's Ultimate Edition, a revision which has been long in coming and sorely needed.
Black Tokyo really began as a whim, just something I wanted to try and see if it worked or not. It was only with Black Tokyo II and beyond that I really started concerning myself with coherent world building. So, compared to Otherverse America which I'd been working on for YEARS before publication, Black Tokyo's map seems a little empty. One of the things I plan to do now is give a greater focus on the setting's villains and their plots.
The Four Big Bads are:
We have the Amakaze (from BT II) which are basically cruel, capitalist undead master manipulators.
The Ubume Empress represents female guilt and misogyny, and is a kick ass Easter Egg (Ostara Egg??) linking Black Tokyo and Otherverse America.
The Genbu, slumbering somewhere in the Sea of Othosk, who is basically a Godzilla/Tarresque/Overfiend hybrid. I want to include a "Wake the Genbu" mechanical system, where sooner or later that fucker will wake up and rampage, and even as he starts stirring the campaign's difficulty spikes: earthquakes and other disasters plauge Black Japan, and monsters as a whole get a CR bump. Conversely, if the players can figure a way to keep the Genbu in a deeper than normal slumber, things get easier.
The Revered Shogun trapped under Marine Corps Base Okinawa. He's a mind-fuck villain, a source of corruption and insanity for the heroes.
Right now, I'm trying to decide how to lay out the book and the world information. I'm seriously considering using the image on the top right as a basis for the book's organization. Go prefecture by prefecture, list all the plothooks, major NPCs and weird locations in that prefecture and move on. I just picked up the Inner Sea World Guide, and Paizo basically does the same with Glorian's multiple countries, and that layout seems to work pretty well.
Anyway, thoughts?
Black Tokyo really began as a whim, just something I wanted to try and see if it worked or not. It was only with Black Tokyo II and beyond that I really started concerning myself with coherent world building. So, compared to Otherverse America which I'd been working on for YEARS before publication, Black Tokyo's map seems a little empty. One of the things I plan to do now is give a greater focus on the setting's villains and their plots.
The Four Big Bads are:
We have the Amakaze (from BT II) which are basically cruel, capitalist undead master manipulators.
The Ubume Empress represents female guilt and misogyny, and is a kick ass Easter Egg (Ostara Egg??) linking Black Tokyo and Otherverse America.
The Genbu, slumbering somewhere in the Sea of Othosk, who is basically a Godzilla/Tarresque/Overfiend hybrid. I want to include a "Wake the Genbu" mechanical system, where sooner or later that fucker will wake up and rampage, and even as he starts stirring the campaign's difficulty spikes: earthquakes and other disasters plauge Black Japan, and monsters as a whole get a CR bump. Conversely, if the players can figure a way to keep the Genbu in a deeper than normal slumber, things get easier.
The Revered Shogun trapped under Marine Corps Base Okinawa. He's a mind-fuck villain, a source of corruption and insanity for the heroes.
Right now, I'm trying to decide how to lay out the book and the world information. I'm seriously considering using the image on the top right as a basis for the book's organization. Go prefecture by prefecture, list all the plothooks, major NPCs and weird locations in that prefecture and move on. I just picked up the Inner Sea World Guide, and Paizo basically does the same with Glorian's multiple countries, and that layout seems to work pretty well.
Anyway, thoughts?
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Anthros of Endara: The Beetleor
Just received this rough sketch of a Beetleor warrior, from the upcoming Anthros of Endara. The piece is by Dan Brenus, a cool Italian artist who posts kick ass fan art regularly on He-Man.Org and other MOTU fansites. I reached out to him at the beginning of this project because he's going to help really establish Endara as a faithful homage to Eternia.
Blessed Be,
Blessed Be,
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The Punk
Last week, some kid, who looks
somewhat like the bastard love spawn of Justin Beiber and Eminem, decided to
start harassing me. I bike to work, and for like three days in a row, this
little idiot on a Huffy followed along behind me, calling me a nigger, a
faggot, and everything else his woefully limited vocabulary could come up with.
Kid taunts me, says he wants to ‘box me’ and then rides off any time I approach
The little abortion is about 5’5”
and about 120 lbs tops, so he has a significant maneuverability edge. So just
catching him and beating him, as he so justifiably deserves, is out. I go to
the local cops, but having nothing on this douchebag other than a description
of him and his idiotically predictable pattern of harassment, there’s not much
they can do except put an extra car on that route around the time he is out
making an ass of himself.
This past Saturday after work, I
finally spot the little turd- it turns out he lives about 4 houses down, and
he’s out sitting in the bed of a junker pickup, which is in turn sitting atop
the thinning front lawn, smoking with an older guy. The older guy, who I never
conclusively identified, but took to be an uncle of some kind, is wearing a
t-shirt with an American flag and a wolf on it, so you immediately know the
caliber of humans I’m dealing with here. I open the conversation with a
friendly greeting: “Hey, is this son of a whore your kid?”
Naturally, the uncle(?) is
initially hostile but over the course of a conversation we get down to business.
I tell Uncle Jethro that I want the kid just to shut the fuck up and stop
provoking a needless fight, because I don’t particularly enjoy beating 12 year
olds. This naturally, incenses, the little shit bag, who gets within four
inches of my face and shouts that “I’m 17! I’m a man” and again offers to box.
I can’t believe this, because this kid looks like he’s still in middle school.
I ask the uncle(?) if it’s true he’s 17, and it is confirmed that the little
punk, who I learn is named Justin is in fact of legal age to take a fully
justified ass-beating. Anyway, I learn the punk’s name because several times
over the conversation both the uncle(?) and I break out with “Shut up, Justin!”
as he just will not stop talking shit, even while the uncle(?) and I trying to
talk reasonably.
I leave it cool with the uncle(?)
and as I leave this punk is still shouting shit, still causing a scene. I hope
that the older guy manages to talk some sense into this little asshole, and for
Sunday, the tentative truce seems to hold.
And I go out last night, run some
errands after coming home from work, and the little asshole is perched on his
front porch like a white-trash gargoyle. Soon as I ride down the street, he
comes after me again, gets ahead of me and fishtails his own baby-sized Huffy
to spit gravel in my face, all the while claiming I’m following him. And this
shit, from this idiotic waste of skin, goes on for a fucking mile.
Finally, the next time he comes
whizzing by like he’s going to ram me for the third or forth time, I make
contact and knock him on his ass. That pisses the little turd enough he’s
finally going to stand and fight, and thus begins the Duel of the Jack In the
Box Parking Lot, a battle that will live in legend. It turns out he can box…
.sorta. I mean, he’s kinda fast, but he jabs me in the face four times without
even leaving so much as a bruise. I just put the little fucker in a head lock
and take him to the ground. He’s nullified, but I’m trying to choke him out,
and it’s not as easy as it looks on TV, so nothing really is getting
accomplished. I tear the knee of my work pants when I take fucko to the ground,
though, which pissed me off, actually more than the punk’s antics.
Anyway, I’m willing to write this
off as boys will be boys fuck-headery and I go to the nearby McDonalds, get a
meal and chill the fuck out. Turd-boy comes back about five minutes later,
storms in with a couple of his meat head buddies in tow. “I’m not a bitch,” is
his rallying cry, his version of “Remember the Alamo!”.
To this, I respond, “Well, you sure punch like one.” Which I know, is not the
most feminist thing to say, but what can I say, I was in the moment.
His two punk friends, of course,
are of a similar age and size, are both trying to look tough, and both claim to
be Marines. Which is horse-shit of course, because the USMC is not in the habit
of recruiting 15 year olds, so I ask the mouthier of the two what his discharge
date was, and get a “Why you wanna know that?” in response, and a look that he
doesn’t even know what a discharge date is in the first place. I stare the two
fake Marine dickheads down and go back in side, call the local cops.
Eventually, one of the local
coppers show up, I give him this information and the punk’s address. Hopefully,
a visit from one of the local cops will convince this idiot kid to find a
better hobby. If not, I figure one of two things happen. Either A) this
shitbird gets three or four of his teeny-bopper buddies and stomps my ass one
night or B) the next time his idiot decides to box, I beat his ass raw, and
have to spend the next 6 months dealing with the local court system. Neither of
which I’m particularly looking forward to.
Fucking Kerrville. Fucking Texas. Fucking nest of entitled, sociopathic
white trash moron pissants. I fucking wish Al Queda would drop a nuke on this
fuckhole the next time I take a day trip to San Antonio.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Attack of the Catgirls
Merry Christmas, I bring you catgirls.
Here's a preview of the revised Nekomusume from the upcoming second edition of Black Tokyo. To your right, Felica cosplayers. Which one, my text or the cosplayers, will generate more pagehits? I suspect the latter.
Here's a preview of the revised Nekomusume from the upcoming second edition of Black Tokyo. To your right, Felica cosplayers. Which one, my text or the cosplayers, will generate more pagehits? I suspect the latter.
Medium Humanoid
Medium Humanoid
Nekomusume are cats in the form of a girl, playful seductive and innocent. They
are creatures of magic and supernatural crossbreeding, of gene-cutting and cosmetic
surgery. They are an artificial species, a common but none the less stunning
sight walking Black Tokyo’s streets. Seeing one, your breath catches in your
throat for a moment, amazed the world can be so full of beauty.
Nekomusume were (at least initially) an artificially created female species- a
pretty status symbol and plaything for the rich and decadent. The catlike
humanoids can breed true, despite the arcane and hormonal locks on their
reproduction, and can produce litters of free Nekomusume. Many integrate into human society, using their
natural gifts to disappear into lucrative careers in Black Tokyo’s sex
industry. Others fight to free their enslaved mothers and sisters.
In some cities, packs of feral,
genetically inferior Nekomusume are common pests: creatures with nearly-human
bodies but animal souls. Feral Nekomusume are the exception: in the main, these
felinoids are almost intelligent and cunning as their human fathers…despite
what their masters and marketing brochures claim.
are petite females, light and tiny even by Japanese standards. Their bodies are
just catlike enough to appeal to fetishists. Their bodies are decorated with
attractive patches of soft fur that accentuate their bodies and sensuality but
hide none of their charms. Their fuzzy ears are long, pointed and
semi-prehensile, and are used to express emotion. Most breeds of Nekomusume
have long, feline tails that trail between their taut buttocks.
have spongy pads covering the bottoms of their feet and the palms of their
hands. Their hands are bigger and cutely pawlike, slightly out of proportion on
their tiny frames. Nekomusume usually wear a designer leather or metal choker
or collar emblazoned with their master’s contact information or their address.
Proud slave Nekos accent their collar with jewels, finely linked golden or
platinum chains or melodious bells. Slave Nekos tend to be vain, wearing only
the best, as having a harem of attractive and well groomed catgirls is a matter
of pride for Black Japan’s monied elite. Feral Nekos, by contrast, dress in
thrift store trash, if they’re smart enough to wear clothes at all.
are an artificially created, exclusively female species. They are supposed to
be sterile, but quite a few gain the ability to become pregnant, for some
reason neither their creators, nor their purchasers can never quite figure out.
Some call the race’s unexpected fertility a gift from Kwannon or Inari, others
claim it’s a gene sequencing error, or the result of some kind of
techno-magical pollution unique to Black Japan. Who knows? Certainly not the
Nekos themselves….
give birth to liters of 4-6 tiny, mewling kitten-girls, after a six to seven
month pregnancy. Their first pregnancy is the hardest, and death in childbirth
is sadly common. They can only sling liters with human males, but never, ever
become pregnant through sex with their designated master or purchaser. Only
adultery, and the lure of true love and freedom allows Nekos to breed.
Feral Nekomusume are even more
fertile, with adults almost constantly pregnant. Feral Nekomusume can bear
viable offspring with virtually any humanoid or monstrous humanoid male, giving
birth to semi-monstrous cat-hybrids. Feral Nekomusume can produce even the rare
male ‘tom’, but toms are outnumbered 10-1 by female kittens.
have a lifespan of about 20 years, but reach sexual and emotional maturity
within the first 24 months of their life. They learn quickly, at least as
kittens, and tend to be extremely hyperactive until they reach physical
maturity. Feral Nekos rarely live that long, with most dying before they reach
8 years old.
Homes and Lands
Most Nekos
own nothing, living in a gilded cage as a wealthy man’s plaything. They are
often found in the cities, and spend their idle days shopping, visiting the few
special salons that cater to the needs of magical half-cats, or even spending
their masters’ yen at Fashion Club Nekomini! Feral Nekos keep to the back
alleys, and live rough and homeless on subway platforms, cardboard ‘palaces’
and coffin hotels when they can scrounge the funds.
Nekomusume Racial
Size and Type
Nekomusume are Medium humanoids. As
Medium creatures they receive no special bonuses or penalties due to their
Nekomusume have a 30 ft base land
speed. They also possess a Climb speed equal to their base land speed. They may
use either their STR or DEX modifier on
Climb checks.
Ability Score Modifiers
+2 DEX, -4 INT, +2 CHA.
are nimble, attractive and natural performers, but their minds are designed for
a cute and playful ditziness, not deep thought or abstract reasoning. Even the
smartest Nekomusume will seem uneducated and often ignorant compared to a human
Enhanced Senses
Nekomusume have keen, cat like yellow
eyes, and possess darkvision with a
60 ft range, and low light vision.
Nekomusume are programmed
for sexual expertise, and command huge prices as prostitutes or sex slaves All
Nekomusume receive Gifts of Ecstasy as a racial bonus feat.
Feline Nimbus (SU)
Nekomusume’s skin glows a soft amber when she is happy or sexually aroused, and
at will the glamourous feline can cause her body to glow as if enchanted by a
either light or dancing
lights spell as cast by a first level sorcerer.
While the Nekomusume glows, she brings good luck to all
other felines in the area. Any feline creature (an animal, magical beast,
another Nekomusume or other feline humanoid, including Felis anthros) within 60
ft of the Nekomusume receives a +1 luck bonus on saving throws, which lasts as
long as the Nekomusume chooses to glow.
Feet (EX)
Nekomusume paws are as
stealthy as a ninja’s tabi. They receive a +2 racial bonus on Move Silently
(Stealth) and Perform (dance) checks.
Alternate Racial Traits
Alley Cat (EX)
Nobody knows the back alleyways,
homeless camps and old subway terminals better than a wild catgirl, living free
in modern Japan.
The Nekomusume receives a +3 racial bonus on Knowledge (streetwise) check
Alley Cat
replaces the Nekomusume’s Gifts of Ecstasy racial feat.
Bedroom Genius (SU)
Nekomusume is considered very defective. However, she was too cute and
too useful to cull and so she probably sold for a very low price, a bargain for
the cat-girl enthusiast on a budget. What’s the problem? Simple, having a slave
that’s too smart (even occasionally) never ends well, and usually ends with
master getting his wealthy throat slit.
For 1d4+1 hours after a sexual
encounter with any humanoid male, the Nekomusume’s racial penalty to INT
is negated. A Nekomusume can only benefit from this trait once per day. The
Neko does not receive additional bonus skill ranks or languages due to this
temporary increase to her Intelligence.
Genius replaces the Feline Nimbus racial trait.
Feral Neko (EX)
The Neko is
a genetically inferior kitten, the kind of cat-girl that the TBMS catchers
snatch up, tag and gas to death. The feral Neko suffers an additional -2
penalty to INT, to a minimum of 3 INT.
Feral Neko are illiterate by default, and must spend 2 skill points to become
literate in a language they can speak.
Feral Nekos are tougher than average, receiving a +2 racial bonus to their STR
scores. These cat girls tend to be faster on their feet, having a base land
speed of 35 ft- reflexes matter when dodging traffic and evading predators,
including the two legged kind.
alternate racial package can be chosen by any Nekomusume character at character
creation, without giving up any existing racial traits.
Kitten Idol (SU)
Your voice
was designed with as much obsessive love as your body, your fur and your pussy
and tail. You receive a +3 racial bonus on Perform (sing) checks, and can speak
the language of cats as easily as you can humans. You are treated as being
under the effects of a permanent Speak
with Animals spell that is limited only to feline creatures. You receive a
+3 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks involving any kind of feline.
Kitten Idol
replaces the Feline Nimbus racial trait.
Stray (EX)
You were
way too assertive to be any millionaire’s sex slave, no matter the temptations,
no matter the punishment. You receive Iron Will as a racial bonus feat.
replaces the Nekomusume’s Gifts of Ecstasy racial feat.
Student Kitten (EX)
a batch of Nekomusumes are not sold on the open market. Growing more slowly
than others of their kind, they mature more like human girls than cat-girl
slaves; tax write offs and long-term sociological research mean that instead of
being sold, this special ‘class’ of kitten girls are placed with human foster
families, and allowed to attend public school. Most of these semi-free Nekos
return to their breeders and allow themselves to be sold when they graduate
highschool, but a few live as free cat girls in workaday Black Japan.
You are a
Neko in the Young Adult age category, receiving the ability score adjustments
common to all pre-teen characters. You reach the Adult age category whenever
you graduate high school or gain 4 character levels, whichever comes first.
You are restricted to the Student
starting occupation, but may select an additional starting talent available to
either Students or Nekomusumes, in addition the starting talent or talents available
to all Black Tokyo characters.
Kittens only suffer a -2 racial penalty to their INT
Nekomusume can select this alternate racial trait without giving up an existing
racial trait.
The Anthros of Black Japan
you are using Fursona: The Definitive
Guide to Creating Anthropomorphic Characters (Otherverse Games, 2011) with
Black Tokyo, you can treat Nekomusume as unique members of the Felis Minor
order. They receive two (2) additional Build Points with which to purchase
additional racial abilities.
all Nekomusume have the Fashion Anthro template, from Fursona III,
Neko manufacturers/breeders, who makes ‘em, what magic
megacorps make ‘em- random charts, starting traits for nekos based on their
origin, like the living dolls have different corporations, like new day girl
corp, ect. Give nekos similar sense of history and place-
Races of Black Tokyo Revised.....
While I'm working on The Modern Grimorie, I've also begun heavy revamp work on Black Tokyo. (I'm also awaiting art on Anthros of Endara and Solomon Station, which will be coming out before the end of the year, lest you think I'm forgetting about those two.)
Right now, I plan to include most of the content from Black Tokyo I-III in a single huge two PDF package, using the same format as the Otherverse America Unlimited Edition. Expect both a campaign setting and a game master's guide with plot hooks and tons of monsters. I want to dramatically expand on the world itself, more plot hooks, more locations, and more of a sense of place and character for the world. John and Amanda and anybody else I can get interested will be doing art, and one of the things I want is to have a HUGE, full page illo or double page spread illustrating the weird locations of modern Black Japan (and Okinawa). Yes, we'll have more info on what Asia and America are like, but the focus will continue to be on Japan itself.

I started revising the races this weekend. In addition to the twelve races and the various cultural templates found in Races of the Tatakama, you'll have maybe 6-8 new dark fantasy races unique to the modern world, all filling out different story and gameplay niches.
I will be keeping the Doujinishi, the Shirime and the Nekomusume intact and almost untouched. The Nikusui will be mostly untouched but I will be including the Ohagoru only as a set of alternate racial traits for the Nikusui. Trust me, it works, and since both races fill the same angry, grim urban vigilante niche, it strengthens the concept of both races and adds playability. I will be adding a few new races- I want to include a 'witch' type race, inspired by Ringu and Witchhunter Robin to the cast. These dar haired, illwilled and fucking evil girls will play well with the Modern Spellcaster class, and generally be fun, dark and creepy to play.
The Bakkyo will be cut completely, because they are unneeded. they step on the Nekomusume's cat-girl niche too much, and are completely outclassed by the Fursona character builder. They may still exist in the fluff, but they'll be built VERY differently in the crunch.
I'll be keeping the Hanging Maiden Advanced Class, but I will make it exclusive to a new undead race. These girls will be perky, cheerful undead who got their powers and became undead through ritual/erotic suicide. I figure it doesn't change the mechanics of the class too much, but allows me to do more with the Hanging Academy and the other magical highschools in the setting.
Anyway, the next time I post I'll include a preview of the revamped Nekomusume, maybe some other stuff.
Blessed Be,
Right now, I plan to include most of the content from Black Tokyo I-III in a single huge two PDF package, using the same format as the Otherverse America Unlimited Edition. Expect both a campaign setting and a game master's guide with plot hooks and tons of monsters. I want to dramatically expand on the world itself, more plot hooks, more locations, and more of a sense of place and character for the world. John and Amanda and anybody else I can get interested will be doing art, and one of the things I want is to have a HUGE, full page illo or double page spread illustrating the weird locations of modern Black Japan (and Okinawa). Yes, we'll have more info on what Asia and America are like, but the focus will continue to be on Japan itself.

I started revising the races this weekend. In addition to the twelve races and the various cultural templates found in Races of the Tatakama, you'll have maybe 6-8 new dark fantasy races unique to the modern world, all filling out different story and gameplay niches.
I will be keeping the Doujinishi, the Shirime and the Nekomusume intact and almost untouched. The Nikusui will be mostly untouched but I will be including the Ohagoru only as a set of alternate racial traits for the Nikusui. Trust me, it works, and since both races fill the same angry, grim urban vigilante niche, it strengthens the concept of both races and adds playability. I will be adding a few new races- I want to include a 'witch' type race, inspired by Ringu and Witchhunter Robin to the cast. These dar haired, illwilled and fucking evil girls will play well with the Modern Spellcaster class, and generally be fun, dark and creepy to play.
The Bakkyo will be cut completely, because they are unneeded. they step on the Nekomusume's cat-girl niche too much, and are completely outclassed by the Fursona character builder. They may still exist in the fluff, but they'll be built VERY differently in the crunch.
I'll be keeping the Hanging Maiden Advanced Class, but I will make it exclusive to a new undead race. These girls will be perky, cheerful undead who got their powers and became undead through ritual/erotic suicide. I figure it doesn't change the mechanics of the class too much, but allows me to do more with the Hanging Academy and the other magical highschools in the setting.
Anyway, the next time I post I'll include a preview of the revamped Nekomusume, maybe some other stuff.
Blessed Be,
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Upcoming: Sex and Story
First off, Modern Spellcaster is edging into the top 20 over at RPGnow, and hopefully it'll crack the top 10 or top 5 by Monday. I'm waiting on a little bit of art for the Modern Grimorie and adding a few more spells each day to it; right now, I've got about 110 modern and sci-fi focused spells, including some very kick ass damage dealers, and will probably top 120-130 by the time everything's said and done.
Anyway, a while back a fan of mine, Alzrius, posted a very good review of Black Tokyo and a wish list for what he'd like to see in a revised edition. One part of that fairly long review stuck with me, and I've been mulling it over in the back of my head for the last couple of months.
"Ultimately, the game needs not only a way to
make sex have a reward mechanic, but also make sex (and, perhaps, a wider array
of non-combat interactions) have as many options and variables as combat does
The other night, I finally figured out a way to incorporate not only a reward mechanic into sex, but to tie the narration of the act into the ongoing campaign storyline. This is an excerpt from an upcoming short PDF, entitled Sex & Story for Black Tokyo. (Note the final product will have about twice as many options as you see here, and related starting talents.)
Take a look, and let me know what you think. I had initially considered modifing Paizo's relationship rules from the Jade Regent Adventure Path, but they just seemed too clunky, adding an unnecessary subsystem to the game. My relationship rules are basically just a refinement of the existing Diplomacy rules with some neat action point mechanics built in.
Sexual and Otherwise
defines Black Tokyo- enjoying wet pleasure with willing (or not) new lovers,
exploring the limits of the body and the limits of morality itself are as
important of challenges as slaying oni and battling Amakaze minions. Convincing
a cute 19 year old bishonen to offer you his virginity is a function of social
skills- especially Diplomacy, though sexually predatory characters can try
their luck with Bluff or Intimidate.
The associated Diplomacy DC
for sexual and relationship matters are shown below. The player can take 10 or
take 20 on a DC to begin a relationship, reflecting a prolonged and subtle
courtship. The player can usually take 10 on other sexually oriented Diplomacy
checks, at the gamemaster’s option, but usually can’t take 20.
A character may substitute a Bluff
or an Intimidate check at the gamemaster’s description, though such a
dishonorable course carries its own consequences. Using Bluff may be considered
an evil act at the gamemaster’s discretion, and if the Bluff fails or is
discovered later, permanently increase the DC of all future sexual Diplomacy
checks by +1d4.
Using Intimidate is an evil act and
the player is considered to have committed rape. That means the Eyrines
Sisterhood and their guns will be showing up at the player’s doorstep sooner or
Diplomacy Check
Sexual or Relationship Goal
DC 15
Convince a friendly or helpful NPC who is attracted to
your species and gender to begin a casual relationship with you. This
relationship is non-sexual and only includes minor displays of affection,
appropriate to the culture. If involved in an ongoing relationship, you
reduce the DC of future checks to convince the NPC to perform sex acts by DC
-5, and once you beat DC 15 for normal sex acts, you can always achieve that
DC (and get vanilla nookie) without a check with that NPC.
Time: one day
DC 22
Convince a friendly or helpful NPC who you have already
begun a relationship with to enter a long term legal and religious bond, as
appropriate to their culture. Reduce the DC by -1 per month of an ongoing
relationship, to a minimum DC 15. Alternatively, convince the NPC lover to
begin a planned pregnancy with you.
DC 15
Convince a friendly or helpful NPC to perform sexual acts
considered acceptable and mainstream in their culture with you. Time: 15
DC 20
Convince a friendly or helpful NPC to perform slightly
transgressive, moderately kinky sex acts that would result only in mild
social shame if revealed. Anal, baby! Time: 15 minutes-hour
DC 23
Convince a friendly or helpful NPC to perform extremely
transgressive, very unusual sex acts with you. If you’re looking for noose
play, ponygirls and poop, look right here. Time: 1d4 hours
DC 28
Convince a friendly or helpful NPC to perform dangerous or
morally repugnant or highly illegal sex acts with you. This includes things
like snuff sex, pedophilia, incest, and worse stuff. Time: 1 day
Ending a
gamemaster usually determines when a relationship with an NPC ends, unless the
player makes it very clear that they are ending the relationship. Infidelity,
cruelty or long periods out of contact can all end a relationship.
Modifiers to
Sexual Diplomacy
cultural concerns might make sex more complicated for the NPCs. The following
situations add new wrinkles to Diplomacy skill checks made for sexual purposes.
All these modifiers are cumulative.
Diplomacy Check
DC Modifier
Convincing an NPC into their first relationship or sexual
+3 DC
NPC’s culture prizes virginity or punishes non-marital sex
+5 DC
Sexual act would result in a loss of class abilities, such
as a Paladin’s moral code or Chaste’s oath of virginity
+10 DC
The player character is involved in a relationship with
another NPC, and this is known to the current NPC lover (except in cultures
where polyamory is normal)
+1 DC per additional relationship
The player is simultaneously trying to talk multiple NPCs
into sex for a threesome, orgy, or more-gy.
+2 DC per additional NPC.
The player character is from a race, culture, alignment or
allegiance hostile to the NPC or their culture.
+3 DC
The NPC had a previous relationship or marriage to the PC
that ended badly, or has been previously betrayed or abandoned by the PC.
+2d4 DC
If the player has failed previous sexual Bluff checks or
had their lies discovered by the NPC
+1d4 DC
Player character has a reputation for dangerous, cruel or
predatory sexual behavior
+2 DC
The NPC has been chosen as a cohort by a player with the
Leadership feat.
-5 DC
The player presents the NPC with a gift. The value doesn’t
really matter so long as the gift is either heartfelt, really needed or
extremely desired by the NPC.
-2 DC
The player is in a position of authority over the NPC lover.
-1 DC
The player has a reputation for enjoying a particular
fetish of the NPC’s.
-2 DC for Kinky, Transgressive or Vile acts desired by the
The Goal of the
Once the
player character succeeds in convincing an NPC into sex, the scene can either
discretely fade to black, or be described by either the player or gamemaster,
whatever those around the table are comfortable with. In most cases, the sex
may be good, it may even be great, but in a story sense, the seduction was more
important then the sex act that played out after.
The players
can change that, making the sweat and cum an important, even critical part of
their story. During any sexual act, the player can sacrifice an action point,
and briefly describe some special action he or she takes that transforms
mundane sex into an act of passion, or carnal expertise or sheer horror, that
will drive their relationship with this particular lover for the rest of the
The player
can choose any of the following sexual themes, which changes the nature of
their relationship with the NPC (or NPCs involved in the orgy) forever.
All’s Forgiven
The sex is
just so damn, toes curlingly good, the NPC lover can’t remember why they were
pissed with the player character in the first place. Sexual Diplomacy checks
made against this NPC no longer suffer a penalty for previous failed
relationships, nor for discovered/failed Bluff checks, though depending on the
player’s future actions, these penalties might find their way back into the
The player
performs degrading, cruel and sadistic, emotionally scarring acts with their
unfortunate lover. Doing so is an evil act, and the player is considered to
have committed rape. The player receives a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks made to
convince the NPC to perform a Vile act.
Outside of
sex, the player receives a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks and a +1 bonus on
melee attack rolls against this NPC. The player suffers a -2 penalty on all
CHA-based skill checks, except for Intimidate, made against this NPC.
The player
takes total command of the NPC lover, body and soul, making him or her their
willing sexual slave. This sexual theme can only be invoked during a Kinky or
Transgressive sexual act. If in a relationship with the NPC, the player can
always receive Kinky or Transgressive acts without requiring an additional
Outside of
sex, the NPC will always hold their action in combat until the player acts, and
receives an additional +1 morale bonus on checks and rolls when receiving the
aid another action from the player.
The player
has a strange kind of sex, one that is more about emotions finally bubbling to
the surface than carnal release, allowing a previously abused or violated
character a way to come to terms with the trauma in his or her past. The player
chooses one of the following benefits for an Empowerment sexual theme:
- The sex act is treated as an atonement spell for the NPC lover, but only for the purpose of wiping away specifically sexual sins.
- The NPC lover receives a permanent +1 morale bonus on melee attack or damage rolls against any character that has previously raped the character or used the Debasement sexual theme against them.
The player
performs an act of tireless sexual stamina and carnal expertise, hitting all of
their lover’s sweet spots…. multiple times. The player receives a +2 bonus on
Diplomacy checks made to convince the NPC to perform Kinky or Transgressive
acts. If in a relationship with the NPC, the player can always receive Kinky or
Transgressive acts without requiring an additional check.
The player
makes tender, passionate and emotional love to the NPC, concerning themselves
with their lover’s pleasure above their own. The PC can immediately choose to
begin a Relationship with one NPC involved in the act without requiring a
check. The player character receives a +2 bonus on checks to convince that NPC
into marriage.
Outside of
sex, the player receives a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks
involving this NPC.
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