Well, right now I've got two products on RPGNow's Top 15 simultaneously. That's happened once or twice before, but it's rare enough to be truly gratifying. It seems everybody- myself, my artists and my customers- all love the Heavy Future setting.
Awesome- I'm doing more work on it right now. I just sent the draft of Expanded Races: Erobots to John for comment and to get some art. That one should be out in another week or so, with more spells, weapons and gear coming soon after.
I'm also working on Black Tokyo's Advanced Player's Guide. This is already turning into a weighty sourcebook- I'm revising all the spells from Spells and Gods of the Tatakama, adding even more spells and some basic information on running Buddhist and Shinto spellcasters in a fictional context. I've added one new race to the setting, which is basically a bunch of monsters wearing a girl-suit. Last night, I put together the White Mage clerical archetype and a sorcerer bloodline specifically for
skatto spellcasters. I've also added about 15,000 words worth of new adventure locations, factions and plot hooks.
One thing I want to preview is a set of alternate racial traits for the Races from the Tatakama and Races of Black Japan. Take a look, and thanks for purchasing my Heavy Future stuff in such great numbers.
Alternate Racial
Traits for the Other Races of Black Japan
following traits replace the standard racial traits of player races found in
either Races of the Tatakama (2012)
or Races of Black Japan (2013).
Bosatsu (SU)
Available To: Kami
Replaces: Racial Skills and modifies
Kami’s Perfection
You are a
Buddhist spirit, who found enlightenment in a previous incarnation and returned
from the heavens to guide and aid mortals. You receive a +2 racial bonus on
Knowledge (religion), Heal/Treat Injury and Sense Motive checks. One of these
checks, chosen by you, becomes the focus on your Kami’s Perfection trait.
Kami have the Good and Law subtypes.
Ciao Kawaii Nekomusume (EX)
Available To: Nekomusume
Replaces: Racial Feats
You’re one
of the pink and white furred, child-safe and less sexual cat-girls specially
bred at the Ciao Kawaii
Fun Park
in Tama (tours of the cloning tanks available from 14:00 – 20:00 Monday through Friday for 1000 yen for
adults or 300 yen for children under 8).
You were
decanted as a nanny and companion to a lucky (and very wealthy) family. You
receive a +2 competence bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks made against
characters in the Young Adult age category or younger, and +4 racial bonus on
Profession (nanny) checks.
Combined Fleet POETICA (EX)
Available To: POETICA
Replaces: Racial Skills, Modifies
Ability Score Mods
You are a military model
POETICA, serving the JSDF as a part of an experimental unit operating as
support gunners of the nation’s new Assault Witch squads. Combined Fleet
POETICA have a more rugged beauty than most of these androids, powerful
integrated cannons are built into their forearms- these long barreled weapons resemble
the turrets of a WWII era battleship. Most Combined Fleet POETICA dress in the
standard uniform of the day for their unit- a schoolgirl outfit with an olive
drab skirt and beret, accented with rank insignia and a golden lanyard for
senior androids.
Fleet POETICA do not receive a racial bonus to their CHA score.
Fleet POETICA begin play with the Military starting occupation. They receive a
+2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (tactics) checks, as they
are programmed to be diehard military buffs.
Combined Fleet POETICA is equipped with a pair of masterwork cannons (one set
per arm). POETICA are always considered proficient with these integrated cannons.
These weapons cannot be disarmed, though they can be sundered. They can be
enchanted, though the POETICA must remain present for the entire process.
Ranged Weapons
Range Increment
Purchase DC
2d6 ballistic
100 ft
Corpse Hand Goryohime (EX)
Available To: Goryohime
Replaces: Eased Passage Between Life
and Death
As your
corpse awaited your return to life as undead, a senior Goryohime priestess
surgically grafted the arms of another girl who tried and failed to become
Goryohime to your ribcage. Through you, this failed Goryohime, your fallen
sister, lives on.
You gain an
additional pair of arms placed just under your breasts. These additional limbs are
slightly greyer and ore corpse like than your own arms, and stitched heavily
with thick black thread. Your additional pair of limbs provides you with a +2
racial bonus on CMB, and a +4 racial bonus
on Climb checks. You gain Multiattack as a racial bonus feat.
Death Kami (SU)
Available To: Kami
Replaces: Kami’s Perfection and Racial
Death Kami
are heavenly functionaries that ferry messages between the living and the dead,
and ferry the souls of the recently deceased into the otherworld. Death Kami
are recognized by their snow white hair, heron-like white wings and habit of
dressing almost exclusively in white, silver or grey.
Death Kami
receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (religion) and Profession (mortician)
checks. A Death Kami can use Deathwatch
as a spell-like ability once per day, and can cast Stabilize as a spell-like ability 3x/day. The Death Kami casts
these spells as a first level cleric.
The Death
Kami can hear the last words of the dead. If any sentient creature dies within
30 ft of the Death Kami, she ‘hears’ a short message, usually 50 words or less,
intended for a loved one or next of kin. The Death Kami may not understand this
message, if the dying creature speaks a language she is unfamiliar with, but
she can recite it flawlessly. The Death Kami is aware of the name, basic
appearance and the last known location, as known by the dying creature, of the
message’s recipient. If the Death Kami delivers the message to the intended
recipient within one month of the creature’s death, she receives bonus XP equal
to 50 x her total character level.
Foul Breath (SU)
Available To: Akaname
Replaces: Bones of Shit
You can
vomit up a stream of stinking shit and pungent urine. You gain a breath weapon,
usable once per day. Your breath weapon is a 30 ft line (at 12th
level this increases to a 60 ft line). All targets within the line suffer 1d8
acid damage per four character levels (maximum 5d8 acid) and are considered sickened for one minute. A successful DC
15 REF Save halves the damage and negates
the sickened condition.
Idiot From Osaka (EX)
Available To: Human
Replaces: Highly Skilled, born in the Osaka
The ‘idiot
from Osaka’ is the Japanese pop
cultural equivalent of the Southern redneck, and you, with your thick kansai-ben accent perfectly embody the
stereotype. Anytime you fail an INT-keyed
skill check by 5 or more points, you gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws
and WIS-keyed skill checks for the next hour.
Ironpot Oni (SP)
Available To: Ironclub Oni
Replaces: Ironhead Tetsubo, racial
skills, racial weapon proficiency
Many Ironclub Oni tribes are
proud cannibals, known for their masterpieces of culinary murder. The
proprietor of Pick the Bones, in the worst part of Chiba,
is an Ironpot, a fact he’s immensely proud of.
The Ironpot
Oni is a keen hunter and expert butcher, receiving a +2 racial bonus on
Survival and a +4 bonus on Profession (chef) checks. The Ironpot Oni is proud
of its dangerous collection of axes and cleavers, and is proficient with all
Simple and Martial weapons that inflict slashing damage.
Once per
three days, the Ironpot Oni can cast Cannibal
Feast as a 10th level Druid, which can affect a corpse of up to
size Large. The Ironpot Oni must succeed at a DC 23 Profession (chef) check; if
the check is successful, the Ironpot can cast the spell without providing the
expensive material components (100 gp/DC 10). If the check fails, the Ironpot
Oni can still cast the spell, but is required to provide the expensive material
Kiss Catgirl (SP)
Available To: Nekomusume
Replaces: Feline Nimbus
The sight
of two cat-girls kissing can warm even the coldest heart. A number of times per
day equal to 3 + her CHA modifier, the Nekomusume can kiss another Nekomusume
or feline Anthro as a full round action. Doing so creates a Bless effect centered on the kissing
catgirls, that affect all allies who would be sexually attracted to the
Nekomusume. The caster level is equal to the sum of the two cat-girls’ total
character levels.
Little Sister POETICA (EX)
Available To: POETICA
Replaces: Racial Skill package,
modifies size
Sister POETICA are designed to be perpetually childlike, innocent and cheerful.
They are built to look up to their master as the coolest big brother in the
world- either in a purely honorable, naïve way or an incestuous way for more ecchi purchasers.
Sister POETICA have the Student Starting Occupation. They receive a +2 racial
bonus on Knowledge (pop culture) checks. When using the Aid Another action to
assist their owner with an INT, WIS or CHA
based skill check, the bonus provided is +3, not +2 as normal.
Sister POETICA are childlike, and receive a +5 racial bonus on Disguise checks
made to pass for a human child. They are Size Small and gain a +1 size bonus to
AC and attack rolls, a -1 size penalty to Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat
Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.