Here is a work in progress of one of the headlining monster for an upcoming, and as yet untitled Black Tokyo bestiary. I'm going to introduce you to Izanami, one of the biggest bads of the setting. She's a CR 30 zombie apocalypse waiting to happen. This is her stat block as I saved it last night. I'll tweak a few things later- I want to modify a few abilities and give her an at-will summons that summons vast hordes of Rotting wights, so if she ever does get to Earth, she spends an hour or two summoning, and has a legion of 20,000 zombies at her disposal.
PS: I should note that this is the actual Japanese myth! I didn't change a thing about Izanami's origins nor her motivation.
The Dark Lady Izanami (CR
Medium NE Undead (evil, fire)
XP 9,830,400
Init +6 Senses
Darkvision 120 ft, lowlight vision,
true sight, Perception +94
Languages Infernal,
Japanese, truespeech, telepathy 500
Aura Shadows
of Hell (100 ft, negative and positive energy are inverted)
AC 45 Touch
34 Flatfooted 42 (+2 DEX, +1 dodge, +10 natural, +11 armor, +6
deflection, +15 profane)
HP 74d8 + 1,110hp (1,443 HP)
Regeneration 75 (good and epic)
FORT +25 REF +28 WILL +49
Immune undead
immunities, polymorph, Fire, Sonic
Resist Acid
20, Electricity 20 Cold 20
Channel Resistance +10 SR 28
Spd 30 ft
Flight 90 ft (average)
Melee four
claws +58 (3d6+1 slashing, 17-20/x4 plus rotting FORT DC 52), four tentacles
+57 (3d6+1 slashing plus 1d8 fire plus grab, 15 ft reach with tentacles)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 35th Concentration +93)
Constant –
Freedom of Movement, True Seeing
1x/day – quickened
Teleport Without Error
- Summon (CL 35th, 1 Drakainia (B-4) or 1d6+1 Balor
(B-1), 100% )
3x/day – Annihilation
(W-DC 36)E
Inflict Critical Wounds
of Abortion (W-DC 32)E
From Within (F-DC 31)E
Monster IX
At Will - Deadly
Pleasures (W-DC 29)E
- Dimension Door
- quickened Deeper Darkness
- Fireball (R-DC 28)
- Orgasm Mine (W-DC 29)E
- quickened Silence
E = spells described fully in Enchantments of Black Tokyo (Otherverse Games, 2014)
Str 12 Dex
15 Con - Int 26 Wis
28 Cha 41
Base Atk +55
CMB +56 CMD 68
Feats Bleeding
Critical, Blinding Critical, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes,
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Items, Critical Focus, Critical
Mastery, Dazzling Display, Deadly Stroke, Dodge, Exhausting Critical, Gifts of Ecstasy, Greater Spell Focus
(necromancy) Improved Critical (claws), Improved Iron Will, Improved
Initiative, Iron Will, Mastercrafter, Mobility, Multi-Attack, Nauseating
Critical, Rending Claws, Shatter Defenses, Sickening Critical, Skill Focus
(intimidate), Skill Focus (perception), Skill Focus (spellcraft), Spell Focus
(necromancy), Spring Attack, Tiring Critical, Unbirth, Vaginal Prison,
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (claws), Whirlwind Attack
Italicized feats: Races of the Tatakama
(Otherverse Games, 2013)
Skills Bluff
+92/+96 sexually oriented checks, Craft (blacksmith, woodworking) all at +82,
Diplomacy +92/+96 sexually oriented checks, Intimidate +98, Knowledge (arcana,
religion, history, the planes) all at +85, Perception +94, Perform (sing) +89,
Sense Motive +86, Spellcraft +93, Stealth +79
Gear +5
breastplate, amulet of protection +6, wand of inflict critical wounds (20+4d6
Environment The
Black Else
Organization unique
creature protected by an entire nation of elder oni lords and their lesser
Treasure triple
Special Abilities
Rotting (SU)
A creature damaged by
Izanami’s claws must succeed at a DC 52 FORT save or begin rapidly rotting from
the inside out. A rotting creature suffers 1d3 points of ongoing CON bleed per
round, and healing spells and effects have half the usual effect when cast on a
rotting creature. The rotting creature is considered nauseated. If slain while rotting, the creature rises in 1d4 rounds
as a wight under Izanami’s control;
there is no limit to the HD worth of undead that Izanami can control in this
manner. Wights created in this manner also apply a lesser version of Rotting
(DC 13) to their slam attacks.
Undead and creatures
immune to disease are also immune to Izanami’s Rotting. A creature who makes
its FORT Save is immune to Izanami’s Rotting for
24 hours. Remove disease (DC 35) ends
rotting, as does Heal.
Queen (SU)
Izanami is queen of the dead,
mistress of Hell itself. She is immune to melee damage from any creature that
has died and returned to life via magic, such as raise dead, resurrection, reincarnation or similar magic. Likewise,
she is immune to melee damage inflicted by any kind of undead creature. Such
attacks pass harmless through Izanami’s body, as if she were smoke.
Izanami receives a +20 insight bonus on
Diplomacy checks made against Undead; Undead will never attack Izanami unless
she attacks them first. Sentient undead are generally helpful, worshipful and
obedient to Izanami; she may command mindless undead automatically.
of Hell (SU)
Izanami radiates an aura of darkness and
entropy that warps the balance between positive and negative energy. All
channeled positive or negative energy unleashed within 100 ft of Izanami is
inverted; positive becomes negative, and vice versa. Cure spells cast within this aura become equivalent Inflict spells, and vice versa.
Izanami’s spell-like abilities are not affected by this aura.
Unbirth (SU)
Each round a victim is trapped in
Izanami’s Vaginal Prison, he or she suffers one negative level. By voluntarily
suffering 1d3 points of temporary CHA damage as a swift action, Izanami can
inflict additional harm to the victim as an immediate action The victim must
succeed at a DC 25 WILL Save or suffer move to the beginning of the previous
age category, immediately incurring the physical changes associated with aging.
A creature de-aged past the Child category dies instantly and quickly devolves
from baby to fetus to zygote to a mass of bloody, stillborn tissue.
Even if the
victim succeeds on their WILL Save, they still suffer 1d2 points of permanent
CON Drain.
Vaginal Prison (SU)
Up to
eleven times per day, Izanami can transform her vagina into a tessarect
space-fold. If she has successfully pinned a foe her own size or smaller, she
may elect to make a second CMB
check, as though attempting to pin the opponent once again. If the check is
successful, Izanami’s vagina warps and stretches to impossible proportions,
swelling her opponent whole.
swallowed, the victim is shunted into a non-dimensional space within her body.
While swallowed, the victim is considered grappled, but Izanami is not. In
addition, the victim suffers 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage plus 1d8 points
of additional acid damage per round. Due to the special nature of Izanami’s
undeath, each round the victim also suffers 1d8 fire damage.
The victim cannot break free
through physical effort, but may escape by casting any form of teleportation or
dimensional travel magic, or by succeeding on a DC 30 WILL save. A freed
creature reappears prone and adjacent to Izanami, in a random open square.
Izanami can trap a victim in her
vaginal prison for up to 74 rounds. If the victim dies while swallowed, he or
she is consumed completely, along with all non magical gear. If the victim is
still alive when this enhancement ends, or if the victim breaks free with a
successful WILL Save, Izanamisuffers 5d6 points of damage (FORT DC 18 half).
She may choose to birth a swallowed creature at any time; any magical items
swallowed can be vomited up at will also.
Izanami was the first
woman, the first goddess.
Joining with her
brother/consort/equal Izanagi, she became pregnant, and gave birth to all
things, first among them, the islands of the Japanese archipelago. Fire was
conceived in her womb, and it burned her alive from within. Izanami died in
agony, and from her death urine and boiling, spilt blood, other gods and kami
Izanagi descended into
the underworld to recover his bride, but was terrified at what she had become-
first of the undead, swollen and rotting, charred and maggot strewn, mother of
centipedes and demons. Izanagi turned and ran, and his rejection (and his
cowardice) enraged the undead goddess; she vowed to kill a thousand men each
day. In return, Izanagi vowed to create 1,500 new lives each day, and thus,
before he was able to fully seal the enraged Izanami in Hell, death entered
Izanami is the queen of
the Black Else, the first and deadliest of all undead. She remains in the Black
Else, bound by ancient divine wards that sealed her in the underworld. If she
were ever freed to walk the Earth Realm, she would expunge all life from the
planet within 48 hours. She is every fantasy of a zombie apocalypse incarnated.
Izanami appears as a
beautiful Asian woman in queenly raiment, wrapped in shadows and steam.
However, beneath her dress or kimono, her abdomen and pussy are charred and
blackened. Steaming blood drips from her ruined vulva, and the scent of charred
pork surrounds her; a lake of hot blood lies beneath her grand throne, the warmest
blood in all the Black Else. She moves slowly and deliberately, unhurried and
regal, and hiding well the sharp pain walking causes her. When she fights, the
blackened, forge-hot steel chains that were once her intestines lash out from
her scalded, blistered vagina to drag prey screaming into the cauldron of her
Though she has never
walked the Earth Realm during the life time of the human species, her plans and
schemes are many. She seeks human extinction, and delights in misery. To that
end, she has bequeathed a small portion of her power to the Ubume Empress, a
creature of rages much like her own, and allowed The Empress to corrupt Japan and
torment its women. Forced birth pleases her, rape amuses her, especially if it
results in a tragic pregnancy or death in childbirth. Izanami despises her own
gender most of all- had she been male, she never would of felt the pain of
miscarriage and death. Izanami also despises Goryohime, because they die
willingly, and become beautiful in their transition to undeath, and being
undead girls can never suffer as she did, in a birthing bed stained with blood
and fire. Goryohime are in many ways the antithesis of what Izanami has become.