First, I've almost finished with the manuscript for Packaged Nightmares: Rapists of Black Tokyo, which is the title of the Rape Pure Fight sourcebook. It'll be the first in a series of thematic shorter bestiaries for the setting. I'm just waiting on last art for that.
Second, I've got a bunch of amazing new art from Amanda Webb to preview, all of which will eventually find its way into my as yet unnamed Choicer mega-sourcebook.

One of the things I did just for fun was include a cybernetic animal template that can be added to any animal (or optionally, to magical beasts and dragons of animal intelligence) that builds things like the awesomely creepy cyber-dingos pictured above. Anyway, the Cyber-Beast template isn't the core of the Psi-Watch Bestiary, by any means, but I can see it being something that's used by a lot of GMs in a lot of modern, futuristic or techno-magic settings. So here it is along with three animals enhanced by bionics: a Cyber-Grizzly, Cyber-Wolf and Cyber-Vulture.
The Cyber-Beast
The quick
and dirty cyber-augmentation of military working animals is a cost efficient,
if brutal way of producing front-line combat ‘borgs. Simple implants slaved to
an animal’s central nervous system marries feral ferocity to cybernetic
durability. Cyber-animals are easily controlled by direct neural interface- a
controller can induce extremes of pain or pleasure to condition a cybernetic
working animal.
Rating Increase by +1
To This acquired template may be added to any Animal. At the GM’s option,
this template may also be added to Magical Beasts and Dragons with an INT
score of 3 or less.
Type The base creature gains the Cyborg subtype.
Speed Increase
all the Cyber-Beast’s movement modes by +30 ft.
Scores Increase the Cyber-Beast’s STR
score by +4 and its CON score by +2.
The Cyber-Beast gains Darkvision 60 ft or their existing Darkvision range
increases by +30 ft. Cyber-Beasts can perceive unencrypted radio, television
and wifi signals.
Attacks The
Cyber-Beast’s natural weapon attacks increase to the next larger die size (from
1d6 to 1d8 for example).
Class Increase the Cyber-Beast’s natural armor bonus to AC by +4.
The Cyber-Beast gains Cybernetic Security Risk -2
Monster Abilities The Cyber-Beast gains the Unhealing and Cybernetic
Security Weaknesses common to creatures of the cyborg subtype.
Agonized (EX)
Cyber-Beasts are in constant pain from their poorly installed and tuned
implants. Increase the difficulty of Handle Animal checks made against them by
Cybernetic Durability (EX)
Medium or smaller Cyber-Beasts gain +10 bonus Hit Points. Large and
larger Cyber-Beasts receive an additional +10 bonus Hit Points per size
category beyond Medium. These stack with the Hit Points provided by the
Cyber-Beast’s augmented CON score.
Sensory Records (EX)
Data from the Cyber-Beast’s optical and aural senses is continually
recorded and stored within its cybernetic memory. The Cyber-Beast’s onboard
memory can store up to 24 hours of visual and auditory data. The Cyber-Beast’s
visual and auditory data can be transmitted in real time to a wirelessly linked
computer system or backed up to external storage.
Cyber-Beast, Grizzly Bear – CR 5
Large N Animal
XP 1,600
Init +1 Senses
Darkvision 60 ft, lowlight vision, scent, perceive unencrypted
radio/television/wifi signals, Perception +6
AC 20 Touch
10 Flatfooted 19 (-1 size, +1 DEX, +10 natural)
HP 5d8 +45 hp
(68 HP)
+5 WILL +2
Weaknesses Cybernetic
Security Risk -2
Spd 70 ft
Reach 5 ft
Melee two
claws +9 (1d8+7 slashing, 20/x2 plus grab) plus +9 bite (1d8+7 piercing, 20/x2)
Special Qualities Agonized, Sensory Records, Unhealing
Str 25 Dex
13 Con 21 Int 2 Wis
12 Cha 6
Base Atk +3
CMB +11 (+15 grapple) CMD 22 (26 vs
Feats Endurance,
Run, Skill Focus (survival)
Skills Perception
+6, Survival +5, Swim +16 (racial modifiers: +4 Swim)
Environment cold
forests (or urban areas as a working animal)
Organization solitary
or pair or accompanying a master
Treasure none
(possibly guarding property or valuables)
Cyber-Grizzlies form the centerpiece
of Cyber-Beast assault units, often flanked by several Cyber-Wolves.
Cyber-Grizzlies are transformed into dedicated carnivores by their cybernetic
conversion, their rage barely controlled by electro-shock collars and direct
pain induction.
Cyber-Beast, Wolf – CR 2
Medium N Animal
XP 600
Init+2 Senses
Darkvision 60 ft, lowlight vision, scent, perceive unencrypted
radio/television/wifi signals, Perception +8
AC 18 Touch
12 Flatfooted 16 (+2 DEX, +6 natural)
HP 2d8 +16 hp
(25 HP)
+5 WILL +2
Weaknesses Cybernetic
Security Risk -2
Spd 80 ft
Melee +4 bite
(1d8+3 20/x2, plus trip)
Special Qualities Agonized, Sensory Recording, Unhealing
Str 17 Dex
15 Con 17 Int 2 Wis
12 Cha 6
Base Atk +1
CMB +4 CMD 16 (20 vs trip)
Feats Skill
Focus (perception)
Skills Perception
+8, Stealth +6, Survival +1 (+5 track by
scent) (racial modifiers: +4 Survival when tracking by scent)
Environment cold
and temperate forests (or urban areas as a working animal)
Organization solitary,
pair, or pack (3-12) or accompanying a master
Treasure none
(possibly guarding property or valuables)
Cyber-Wolves are deadly
hunter/killers with superior tracking abilities. Their teeth and jaw have been
replaced by carbon steel and high resolution crimson camera lenses replace
their natural eyes. The pain from their implants and brutal training has made
Cyber-Wolves significantly more aggressive than wild wolves; they have no
compunction about confronting and killing humanoid prey.
Cyber-Beast, Vulture – CR 2
Small N Animal
XP 600
Init +1 Senses Darkvision 60 ft,
lowlight vision, scent, perceive unencrypted radio/television/wifi signals,
Perception +9
AC 17 Touch
11 Flatfooted 16 (+1 size, +1 DEX, +5 natural)
HP 1d8 +13 hp
(18 HP)
FORT +9 (+11
vs disease) REF +3 WILL +1
Weaknesses Cybernetic
Security Risk -2
Spd 40 ft Fly
80 ft (average)
Melee +3 bite
(1d8+3 piercing, 20/x2)
Ranged two +1
lasers (1d6 fire, 20/x3, 50 ft range increment)
Special Qualities Agonized, Sensory Records, Unhealing
Str 16 Dex
13 Con 16 Int 2 Wis
13 Cha 7
Base Atk +0
CMB +2 CMD 13
Feats Great
Environment warm
plains or hills (or urban as a working animal)
Organization solitary,
pair or flock (3-24) or accompanying master as a working animal
Treasure none
(possibly guarding property or valuables)
Cyber-Vultures are a cheap, black-tech
alternative to drones. The carrion birds adjust well to their cybernetic wings
and maneuvering verners. A pair of ultra-light laser emitters is built into its
keen cyber-eyes, allowing the Cyber-Vulture a ranged option. It makes a
serviceable sniper against lightly armored infantry, or as a terror weapon
against unprepared civilian populations.
Next up, lets talk about Amanda's art. I received a finished piece of the iconic Choicer High Priestess, Emily Nicellos (the colored image) as well as some inked and un-colored artwork depicting a new iconic Neo-Witch Midwife character and a Valkayrie streetfighter. I let Amanda design the new Midwife, and she came up with an awesome design incorporating the mokos (facial tats) that really has a lot of character. I also like the bald, vaugely Egyptian patient. That was a cool touch.

Finally, Louis Porter's Neo-Exodus revamp just went live on Kickstarter. This is the first project I've ever backed on Kickstarter. I know Louis, and I can trust him to put out a kick ass product on time. Neo-Exodus is his signature campaign world, in the same way Black Tokyo and Otherverse America are mine. The setting is a real labor of love for him, and it'll be nice to get a nice full color campaign guide with a bunch of new art. So if you can afford it, pledge a few bucks.