In the mean time I'm finally setting up a big, and as yet untitled Psi-Watch Bestiary. This one will include all the content from the previous two short monster books: Mutant & Machine and All The Agents, as well as a ton of new content. I also want to revise Vector of Infection as a part of the bestiary, and include stats for named setting baddies like Elizabeth Vose, various Culture and Bleeding Ghost threats, MOI and some others. The other day I had a great inspiration- spawned by rereading a ton of classic Lovecraft- that led to the creation of several major setting villains.
I'm shooting for a bestiary that's at least as big as Black Bestiary Vol I, maybe bigger. Over the last two weeks I've added about 30 villains. I might release an intermediary third bestiary, or just push right for a the combined big bestiary. I don't quite know yet. In the mean time, take a look at three very fun stat blocks inspired by 1990s comics that will be making it into this bestiary. The artwork of course, is not mine, and not what will appear in the final sourcebook.
Armory Cyborg – CR 5
XP 1,600
Init +3 Senses Darkvision
60 ft, lowlight vision, perceive unencrypted wifi/radio/television signals, Perception
Languages English, either Arabic or
Farsi, one other Earth language of choice
AC 24 Touch 13 Flatfooted
21 (+3 DEX, +3 armor, +8 natural)
HP 6d10+24+20* hp (77 HP)
FORT +9 REF +8 WILL +3
Immune extensive cyborg immunities,
dazed, stun, pain effects
Weaknesses Cybernetic Security Risk -2
Spd 40 ft
Melee +11/+5 slam (1d6+5
bludgeoning, 20/x2)
Ranged +9/+9/+4 cyber-guns (2d6
variable damage type, 20/x3, 50 ft range increment, full auto)
Str 20 Dex 17 Con 18
Int 11 Wis
13 Cha 10
Base Atk +6 CMB +11 CMD 24
Feats Combat Reflexes*, Improved
Point Blank Shot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Skills Computer Use +4*, Craft
(electronic, mechanical) both at +6, Drive +6*, Pilot +6*, Perception +12,
Stealth +14
Gear utility bodystocking
Headware- Onboard Computer +2,
Attack Barrier, Combat Computer (combat reflexes), Targeting Optics +2,
Technical Database, Piloting Link
Defenses – Recoil Dampening Braincase,
Pain Editor
Bodyware – Durability Implants x2,
Haste Implant
Environment any
Organization solitary, pair, squad (4-6)
or platoon (12-16) often grouped with other military super-humans of roughly
equivalent CR
Treasure standard (including gear)
Special Abilities
Scan Optics (EX)
As a move equivalent action,
the Armory Cyborg can activate a deep scan of nearby targets, one of her
cybernetic eyes flaring with a starburst of exotic energy. The Armory Cyborg
becomes aware of all Energy Resistances, Immunities and Vulnerabilities of all
creatures within a 30 ft cone.
Reactive Gunfire (EX)
The Armory Cyborg can make
ranged attacks against adjacent targets without provoking attacks of
opportunity, and may make attacks with her cyber-guns as an attack of
Piloting Link (EX)
When the Armory Cyborg drives
or pilot any vehicle modified to accept a direct neural interface, the Armory
Cyborg provides that vehicle with a +2 insight bonus to Armor Class.
Versatile Armory (EX)
Armory Cyborg gets his name from his seemingly limitless variety of built-in
weapons. She’s got a gun capable of killing anything in his onboard arsenal,
it’s just a matter of finding it.
Armory Cyborg may change the damage type inflicted by her cyber-guns as part of
an attack action. She may change damage types in between attacks in a full
attack sequence. The damage types available to choose from include:
Non-lethal Ballistic
Piercing (representing darts, power-launched shuriken or needler type
Undefined Energy (not subject to energy resistance or immunity. This
energy type is available for only one attack every two rounds.)
You could purchase a pair of
F-22 Raptors for what it costs to place a fully-trained, fully-equipped Armory
Cyborg into the field, but any government or mega-corp capable of fielding an
Armory Cyborg probably considers that a good bargain. Armory Cyborgs are highly
specialized full conversion cyborg supersoldiers. They are equipped with
limitless firepower: with a thought, the cyborg can shape her modular
cyber-systems into virtually any ranged weapon ever devised by mankind.
Armory Cyborgs are deployed
as first-strike assault troops. They are the heavy gunners of most mega-corp
and PMC units, and official
militaries such as Psi-Watch and Puzzle Ops wield their Armory Cyborgs in a
similar manner. Armory Cyborgs are violent and proactive, and sheer fuckin’
overkill can solve any problem. If a problem persists, just apply more gunfire
until it goes away.
Armory Cyborgs have gun-metal
silvery cyber-chassis composed of an evershifting panoply of modular mechanical
components. When needed, part of the Armory Cyborg’s artificial body can become
a firearm or military energy weapon, and the Armory Cyborg can adjust her
weapons load out on the fly. The Armory Cyborg maintains a false human
appearance, a cyber-skin mask resembling their birth face composed of bullet
proof synth-flesh covering a metallic skull. Similar synth-flesh covers the
Armory Cyborg’s hands and forearms. Armory Cyborgs wear the field uniform of
their employer or patron government proudly.
Augmentus – CR 9
Medium N or any Lawful
Humanoid (aberration, élan, psionic)
XP 6,400
Init +3 Senses Lowlight
vision, Perception +3
Languages Celestial, English, at least
two other Earth languages of choice
AC 22 Touch 18 Flatfooted
19 (+3 DEX, +4 deflection*, +4 armor, +1 shield)
HP 14d8+42 hp (105 HP)
FORT +7 REF +7 WILL +12
Immune non-magical disease
Weaknesses Cybernetic Security Risk +2
(yes, his attack barriers are so good he gets a +2 bonus on WILL Saves to
resist cyber-hacking, but is still at risk for cyber-hacking due to his
Spd 30 ft, Flight 60 ft
(average, but can hover)
Melee +11/+11/+6 combat balanced
daggers (1d4+3 slashing, 19-20/x2)
Ranged +13/+8 parasitic psi-bolt
(3d6 force, 20/x3, 50 ft range increment plus power point loss, W-DC 20
Psi-Like Abilities (ML 14th
Concentration +17)
Constant – Detect Teleportation
- Detect Remote Viewing
At Will
– Concussive
Onslaught (7d6 force, F-DC 20)
Fold Space (as move action)
Mental Barrier (*included in stat-block above)
Telekinetic Force (up to 475 lbs)
1x/day – Psychic Crush (5d6 damage on save, W-DC 20)
- Shrapnel Burst (13d6 piercing,
R-DC 20)
Str 16 Dex 16 Con 16
Int 16 Wis
16 Cha 16
Base Atk +10 CMB +13 CMD +26
Feats Dodge, Hover, Point Blank
Shot, Psychic Shot, Two Weapon Defense, Two Weapon Fighting
Skills Acrobatics +20, Autohypnosis
+20, Bluff +20, Computer Use +12, Fly +24, Knowledge (psionics, technology)
both at +20, Pilot +8
Gear pair of +1 combat balanced
daggers, +1 utility bodystocking,
Headware – Onboard Computer, Attack
Barrier +3
Environment any
Organization solitary, pair or trinity,
plus assorted servants, such as Techno-Fascists, Black Operators and the like
Treasure double or triple standard
(in lair, also including gear)
Special Abilities
Parasitic Psi-Bolts (Ps)
The Augmentus can fire painful blasts of psionic lightning that burn power points directly out of the brains of their target. A psionic target struck by one of the Augmentus’ parasitic psi-bolts loses a number of power points equal to the damage inflicted by the psi-bolt, unless they succeed at a DC 20 WILL Save. If a target has fewer power points remaining than the amount of PP lost, the target is shaken for one round per extra power point; targets who are already shaken become frightened instead. The target can attempt a new DC 20 WILL Save at the end of each round to end the effect. Non-psionic creatures damaged by the parasitic psi-bolt suffer no additional effect beyond mere damage.
The Augmentus can fire painful blasts of psionic lightning that burn power points directly out of the brains of their target. A psionic target struck by one of the Augmentus’ parasitic psi-bolts loses a number of power points equal to the damage inflicted by the psi-bolt, unless they succeed at a DC 20 WILL Save. If a target has fewer power points remaining than the amount of PP lost, the target is shaken for one round per extra power point; targets who are already shaken become frightened instead. The target can attempt a new DC 20 WILL Save at the end of each round to end the effect. Non-psionic creatures damaged by the parasitic psi-bolt suffer no additional effect beyond mere damage.

Augmentus are given command of Huxley Emergence small facilities and military
units during their late teens, allowing them to put the tactical training they’ve
spent their entire lives mastering to practical use. By the time an Augmentus
is 25, he or she is a proven, tempered military genius with a dangerous suite
of psionic weapons to draw upon.
wear somewhat ostentatious, elaborate armored bodysleeves custom-forged in
Emergence armor-foundries. Their armored costumes are eminently practical, but
beautiful as well, in the strange and elaborate aesthetic style favored by the
Emergence. Most wear long cloaks slung off one shoulder and strange jewelry
made from odd platinum and titanium alloys.
are divided evenly between genders, in order to maintain a positive gender
balance as future generations breed, and might appear to be any one of the
races of mankind. All Augmentus wear their hair in elaborate styles that
require many man-hours of servant’s labor to keep styled. Vanity is a symbol of
the species’ genetic, mental and physical perfection.
Similar Creatures
following creatures can be built with the Augmentus stat-block.
Augmentus Sadist – CR 7
Augmentus Sadist treats the neurology of ‘lesser beings’ as her private
playground, enjoying twisting neurons to the point that pain is ecstasy and
vice versa. Such beings are dangerously flirtatious and sexually predatory, and
their armored body sleeve is exceptionally risqué, giving it the Near Nudity
The Augmentus Sadist might be NE or CE in alignment, rather than lawful.
Remove the Two Weapon Defense and Two Weapon Fighting Feats.
Replace these feats with Super Kawaii (which increases her AC to 25), and
Favored Energy (pleasure).
Her parasitic psi-bolt inflicts Pleasure damage rather than Force Damage,
giving her the following changed ranged attack line
Ranged 13/+8 parasitic psi-bolt
(3d6+3 pleasure, 20/x3, 50 ft range increment plus power point loss, W-DC 20
Replace her two +1 combat balanced daggers with a +1 dagger giving her
the following changed melee attack line
Melee +14/+9 dagger (1d4+3 slashing,
Cultureborn Noble – CR 7
Augmentus stat-block can easily be re-skinned as a member of the star-spanning
Culture race. Only cosmetic changes are necessary to made a Cultureborn Noble:
the character’s skin is a dark mahogany and their body is covered in luminous
bio-tattoos. The Cultureborn Noble adds Culture to his or her list of languages
known. Nothing else changes….especially not the killing arrogance.
Trans-Time Summoner – CR 10
The Trans-Time Summoner is a
powerful, cruel psion from a probable future where Mutants are the dominant
class, and the most powerful Mutants rule as decadent royalty. The Trans-Time
Summoner is only concerned with his or her own amusement, with playing the
great games that Mutant nobility of their home-time play to amuse themselves. Trans-Time
Summoners trapped in our timeline lost one of these great games, and fled in
ashamed exile to the past. Their only agenda is to return to their probable
future, hopefully with increased powers and new allies stolen from the present.
Trans-Time Summoners are
every bit as arrogant as true Augmentus, and even more obvious in the disdain
for ‘headblind downtimers’, as they call most of 21st Century
humanity. Their utility body stockings are reinforced with glistening,
translucent artificially grown crystals with major energy dampening properties.
The Trans-Time Summoner is a
fairly extensive rebuild of the Augmentus stat-block.
- The Trans-Time Summoner is immune to Electricity, Fire and Force Damage.
- The Trans-Time Summoner has Sonic Resistance 10.
- The Trans-Time Summoner has a new ability: Parasitic Life Gate (SU).
- Increase all power saving throws to DC 22.
Parasitic Life Gate (SU)
When the Trans-Time Summoner slays a creature with the Psionic subtype with his Parasitic Psi-Bolts, the Trans-Time Summoner gains a number of energy points equal to the victim’s highest mental ability score modifier (INT, WIS or CHA). Energy points are lost 24 hours after they are gained, if not expended before then.
When the Trans-Time Summoner slays a creature with the Psionic subtype with his Parasitic Psi-Bolts, the Trans-Time Summoner gains a number of energy points equal to the victim’s highest mental ability score modifier (INT, WIS or CHA). Energy points are lost 24 hours after they are gained, if not expended before then.
The Trans-Time Summoner can
expend seventeen (17) energy points to summon one or more powerful allies from
his alternate future. This ability functions much like the summoning monster ability, and once summoned, the creature or
creatures remain in the present for 2d4 hours or until slain.
The Trans-Time Summoner can
choose to summon either:
a single Mutant
Slaver or Rogue Psion
a pair of Street
Freaks or Time Scum
1d4+1 Detroit Lamprey
Medium LE or LN Humanoid (human,
mph, mutant)
XP 12,800
Init +6 Senses Darkvision
60 ft, lowlight vision, Perception +23
Languages Arabic, English, Farsi,
AC 27 Touch 17 Flatfooted
21 (+6 DEX, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +9 armor)
HP 16d8+80+20 hp (172 HP)
FORT +15 REF +11 WILL +9
Immune slashing damage
Spd 40 ft
Melee +15/+10 shortsword (1d6+3 slashing, 19-20/x2)
Ranged +20/+15 military plasma rifle (2d12+1 fire, 18-20/x2, 30 ft range
increment, semi-auto, 12 cell) OR
+19/+14 snub-nosed
ion pistol (2d6 electrical, 20/x2, 10 ft range increment, semi-auto, 15
Str 14 Dex 22 Con 21
Int 13 Wis
18 Cha 13
Base Atk +12 CMB +14 CMD 30
Feats Dodge, Improved Critical
(military plasma rifle), Improved Precise Shot, Mobility, Point Blank Shot,
Shot on the Run, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (military plasma rifle)
Skills Disable Device +17,
Intimidate +12, Knowledge (tactics) +8, Stealth +25, Survival +15, Perception
+23, Pilot +13
Gear +1 nanoweave tactical body
armor, +1 shortsword, +1 snub-nosed ion pistol and 4x spare clips, +1 military
plasma rifle and 6x spare clips, smartphone, possibly other gear (see below)
Bodyware – Dermal Weave, Durability
Implants x2
Environment any
Organization solitary, pair or rapid
response unit (2-4 plus 1d3 Psion Elites or similar)
Treasure double standard (including
Special Abilities
Codeword Specialization
operatives are assigned an intimidating codename based on their unique
meta-human talents and fighting style. When creating a Codeword, roll 2dX on
the following chart, to determine the Codeword’s combat identity and special
abilities. Place the columns as desired. Usually the first column is the first
word of the codename, but not always. You can also roll twice on one column
rather than once on each column, if desired.
you actually roll up the name of a published 90s comics character, so much the
Codeword (D8)
Codeword (D8)
1 War (increase BAB by +4) (EX)
1 Strike (gains an additional
melee attack at highest BAB when
making full attack) (EX)
2 Fire (weapons gain the flaming property, gains immunity to
Fire) (*swap elements if desired to create Cold or Shock, ect codewords) (SU)
2 Blast (ranged attacks inflict
half damage on adjacent targets, REF
DC 18 none) (SU)
3 Death (melee weapon attack
gains the vorpal property) (SU)
3 Frenzy (recovers 1d6 HP when
reducing an opponent to 0 HP) (SU)
4 Blood (melee weapon attack also
inflicts Bleed 5) (EX)
4 Fury (gains the greater rage
ability of a 16th level Barbarian, 39 rounds of rage per day) (EX)
5 Kill (automatically confirms
critical hits) (EX)
5 Hawk (gains Flight Speed 150
ft, good) (SU)
6 Shadow (gains spell-like
ability: at will- invisibility, 1x/day –greater invisibility; CL 16,
Concentration 20)
6 Blade (gains a +3 keen
longsword and Weapon Focus/Weapon Specialization for this weapon, providing)
7 Ghost (can become ethereal as a
move equivalent action at will, up to 5 rounds/activation) (SU)
7 Shield (+4 natural armor bonus
to AC, gains +1 bashing large steel shield (+3 shield bonus to AC) (EX)
8 Mind (gains Wild Talent, Up
the Walls, Psionic Body, Mind Over Body and +8 bonus HP) (EX)
8 Wolf (gain scent, two claw
attacks at highest BAB, 1d6+2
slashing, 20/x2 and +4 REF
Saves) (EX)
Nanoweave Tactical Armor
The Codeword’s nanoweave
tactical bodyarmor provides excellent protection from ballistic trauma. Reduce
the damage dice size of a ballistic attack by one step (from D8 to D6 to D4 and
so on) when used against the Codeword.
operatives are the best of the best: elite and anonymous government operatives
who conduct highly illegal, rogue missions around the world at the behest of
the powerful. Codeword operatives are consummate professionals- assassins,
spies, thieves and super-soldiers capable of pulling off the most impossible
missions and making it look easy. Their extreme competence gives them a snarky
confidence that does more than border on arrogance. Codewords thrive on violent
machismo (even female Codewords) and radiate an easy familiarly with violence-
they are intimidating without even trying.
operatives go into battle in matte black and grey nanotech body armor
reinforced with ballistic armor plating. They fight fully masked in colorful,
armored latex hoods, a bright spot of threatening color on their otherwise drab
field uniform. When the mask is off, as Codewords relax back at HQ or prepare
their weapons for another mission, they’ve usually got a stinking Cuban stuck
between their stubble coated jaws. Many ritually scar or tattoo their faces
with exotic, mask-like glyphs around their eyes, the ultimate symbol of loyalty
to the elite, ultra-black special operation groups they fight for.