I'm on my lunch break at work and I just wanted to comment briefly on the shooting at the Congressional baseball game in Arlington, VA this morning. More specifically, I want to just say something about Republican lawmakers attempting to retcon history and sweep all the right-wing acts of terrorism under the carpet because of this recent act of leftist terrorism.
"This could be the first political rhetorical terrorist attack." Said Representative Rodney Davis (R-IL).
Ask Dr. George Tiller about 'political rhetorical' terrorism. Oh wait, you can't.
A Republican shot him in the face.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Coming Soon: Psi-Watch Mega-Bestiary

There's a lot of political subtext to this, as in many ways the alternate-1993 of the revised Psi-Watch world speaks to the state of America circa 2017. Take a look at the opening essay for the bestiary - the 'xxxx' placeholder text indicates where the book's eventual title will go when I decide on it. After that, take a look at one of the main named badguys of the setting: Evil Cyborg Mike Pence.
Next time, I'll preview some of the new art I'm gathering for the setting and showcase a few more comic inspired bad guys, including some epic-level monsters.
So here's the opening essay, inspirations list and your introduction to President Mike Spencer (subtle, right?) who I hope is a cap-stone villain and challenging fire-fight for your Psi-Watch adventuring party. The illustration of President Spencer is by John Picot who's done double duty on this book.
1993 Equals 2017
been toying with creating a revised setting for Psi-Watch since the publication
of Black Operators. I wanted to take
the setting back in time and make it a period piece: a superheroic tribute to
the early 1990s. As 2015 and 2016 unfolded, the idea of looking backward to my
adolescence got more and more appealing, and I began to notice cultural
parallels between the two decades. Trump’s virulently racist, right-wing
campaign, combined with the visceral conservative pushback against #Black Lives
Matter, proved that despite the fact America had elected Barack Obama in the
interval, it was not significantly more evolved or any less bigoted than it was
on the night Rodney King got beaten. When the monster was finally elected, I
started thinking even more seriously about the project.
was a joke that appeared on Tumblr, an internet meme, that finally pushed this
new, 1990s-flavored bestiary out of the theoretical stage and into full
production. Somebody online made an image comparing the loathesome homophobe VP
Mike Pence with the fictional Reverend
William Stryker, with the caption “Why does Mike Pence always look like
he’s going to introduce legislation to outlaw the X-Men?”
last pieces fell into place.
always, and purely for my own amusement, stated that in the Psi-Watch reality
George HW Bush had been blasted by some Iraqi metahuman in the early 1990s. So
build on that, and you’ve got an ultra-conservative, anti-mutant (as a visceral
and well-established metaphor for homophobia) Republican running in place of
the atomized Bush and beating Clinton. All of a sudden, even putting aside the
superheroes, mutants and psychics running around, 1993 starts looking a whole
lot different, a whole lot darker. A lot more in need of heroic adventurers.
President Michael Spencer (the even worse-than-real,
Cyborg Mike Pence) becomes the centerpiece of a web of superhuman opponents,
monstrous psions, military-trained undead, and secret, bio-mechanical cults
that threatens the world.
XXXX is one of the largest and most wide-ranging
bestiaries ever produced by Otherverse Games, dwarfing Closed: Monsters of the Armies of God, The Complete Nemesis Bestiary
and both volumes of the Black Bestiary
even if you added them together. Included are more than XXXXX monsters. While the entire casts of Psi-Threats Volume I and II are
included, those XXX
monsters, mecha and supersoldiers represent only a tiny portion of the
collected cast, most of which are all new.
A handful of themes dominate XXXXX. In addition to the politics of Psi-Watch’s 1993, several hidden cults and secretive organizations threaten the world. Elements of the Lovecraft Mythos are thrown into the pot with comic book in-jokes and homages, and an absolutely original version of Lovecraft’s Nyarlahotep has emerged as one of this dangerous, war-torn setting’s greatest threats. Mutant culture is caught between cyber-tech bigots, gigantic Watchtower Mecha and the slave-trading Republic of Cebrary at one extreme, and the other-dimensional sadism of Eugenicist Demons at the other. The psion-led, eugenic cult of the Huxley Emergence fights a secret war for control over the planet, and keeps a frightful psychic WMD called the Murder Mind in deep stasis, ready to be unleashed if Emergence’s rivals for the planet ever gain the upper hand.
A handful of themes dominate XXXXX. In addition to the politics of Psi-Watch’s 1993, several hidden cults and secretive organizations threaten the world. Elements of the Lovecraft Mythos are thrown into the pot with comic book in-jokes and homages, and an absolutely original version of Lovecraft’s Nyarlahotep has emerged as one of this dangerous, war-torn setting’s greatest threats. Mutant culture is caught between cyber-tech bigots, gigantic Watchtower Mecha and the slave-trading Republic of Cebrary at one extreme, and the other-dimensional sadism of Eugenicist Demons at the other. The psion-led, eugenic cult of the Huxley Emergence fights a secret war for control over the planet, and keeps a frightful psychic WMD called the Murder Mind in deep stasis, ready to be unleashed if Emergence’s rivals for the planet ever gain the upper hand.
not all politics though. XXXX
is a love letter to the kind of comics I grew up reading. Heroes might storm
secret military bases, killing their way through troops in an orgy of
hyper-colorful violence, only to confront a Necrofficer staging a military coup. Or they might trade blows
with a high-flying, nuclear powered Luminate
or be stalked by Lady Entropia’s trio
of terrifying minions.
new elements introduced in XXXX
will be expanded on in future world books. A loose coalition of First Nations tribes, protected by
skillful meta-human defenders controls vast swaths of formerly American
territory and form one of the most effective resistances to the Spencer Administration. An alternate
reality where the Roman Empire never fell treats Psi-Watch’s Earth as a ready
source of slaves and entertainment, sending sadistic Box Office Editors to recapture runaway slaves and
exceptionally lucky freedom fighters who escaped to Psi-Watch’s Earth.
Anthropomorphic adventurers (and the founders of a new, rough alt-rock style
called Growl) hail from the city of Cat’s
Cradle, which was called Omaha, NE back in the days before all its
citizens grew fur. The Lagniappe
Thieves Guild in New Orleans is a relic of the Underground Railroad
that has evolved into a dashing, romantic band of thieves, spies and assassins.
Inspiration and Media List for Psi-Watch 1992
At its simplest, Psi-Watch is an affectionate homage to
the superhero comics of the early 1992s, particularly Marvel’s X-Titles and the
first crop of Image Comics. Like these inspirations, Psi-Watch’s heroes are
tough, battle hardened psions, aliens, cyborgs and mutants who wage secret wars
in the shadows of the modern world.
Particuarly good sources of
inspiration for Psi-Watch are listed below. Some are obvious, other sources of
inspiration less so.
Comics and Graphic Novels
The following authors and
artists are especially influential in my conception of Psi-Watch.
Brandon Choi, Chris Claremont, Chuck Dixon, Larry Hama, Dan Jurgens, Dwayne
McDuffie, Warren Ellis
Artists: J.
Scott Campbell, Jae Lee, Jim Lee, Rob Liefeld, Joseph Michael Lindser, Joe
Madureia, Todd McFarlane, Wilce Portacio, Joe Quesada, Marc Silvestri, Mike
DC Comics
Armageddon 2001 annuals
Batman: Sword of Azreal
The Bloodlines Annuals
The Death of Superman and
Reign of the Supermen, Knightfall and Emerald Twilight storylines
Green Lantern (post-Emerald
Twilight, featuring Kyle Rayner)
Hellblazer (inspiration for
modern magic campaigns)
Kingdom Come
The New Gods and others
(1970s series by Jack Kirby)
Preacher (inspiration for
modern magic campaigns)
The Ray (first Quesada
Superboy (1990s series) and
Supergirl (Peter David series)
Sandman and Death: The High
Cost of Living (inspiration for modern magic campaigns)
Superman/Batman: Supergirl (Mike Turner)
Superman/Batman: Supergirl (Mike Turner)
Marvel Comics
Daredevil (Frank Millar’s 1980s
run and Man Without Fear especially)
Force Works, Fantastic Force
(and other mid-90s spinoffs of classic comic titles)
Ghost Rider, Midnight Sons
and other spinoffs (inspiration for modern magic campaigns)
G.I. Joe and G.I. Joe:
Special Missions
Guardians of the Galaxy (Jim
Iron Man (especially the
Armor Wars storyline)
New Mutants and Magik
mini-series (1983 series)
Punisher and Punisher:
Spiderman 2099 and other 2099
The Ultimates
Uncanny X-Men, X-Men,
X-Force, Wolverine and other x-titles (especially the Age of Apocalypse, Second
Coming, X-Tinction Agenda, and Executioner’s Song storylines)
X-Force (all incarnations,
from the Liefeld era to the current incarnation)
Image Comics
Bloodstrike (current
Deathmate (especially the
Black issue)
Cyberforce and its spinoff
series and mini-series
Fathom (Mike Turner)
Gen 13 and Team 7 (especially
the first Dixon written Team 7 miniseries)
The Maxx (inspiration for
modern magic campaigns)
Prophet (current incarnation)
The Savage Dragon
Shaman’s Tears (inspiration
for modern magic campaigns)
Spawn and the Angela
miniseries (inspiration for modern magic campaigns)
Stormwatch and the Authority
(especially the later, Warren Ellis issues)
Wild C.A.T.s (the early Jim
Lee issues especially)
Witchblade (inspiration for a
modern magic campaign)
Youngblood, Team Youngblood,
Bloodstrike and other Rob Liefeld concepts
Milestone Comics
Blood Syndicate (especially
the Demon Fox storyline for modern magic campaigns)
Shadow Cabinet
Valiant Comics
Both the classic 90s issues and the current
incarnation of these titles are equally good sources of inspiration.
Bloodshot (and Rai)
Dr. Mirage (inspiration for
modern magic campaigns)
X-O Manowar
Other Publishers
Alien Legion (Marvel/Epic)
Dawn (Sirius) (inspiration
for modern magic campaigns)
Deathmatch (Boom! Studios)
Hellboy and The BPRD (Dark
Horse) (inspiration for modern magic campaigns)
Grendel (Dark Horse)
G.I.Joe and The Cobra Files
and related works (IDW)
John Bryne’s Next Men (Dark
Comics Greatest World (Dark
Johnson & Stroman’s Tribe
(three different publishers over three issues)
Judge Dredd (2000 AD)
Prime, Freex, The Strangers,
others (Malibu)
Tarot, Witch of the Black
Rose (Broadsword Comics) (inspiration for modern magic campaigns)
Games (pen and paper and electronic)
The Mortal Kombat series
The Metal Gear Solid series
The Street Fighter series
Rifts, Ninjas &
Superspies, Heroes Unlimited, TMNT
and Other Strangeness (Palladium)
Shadowrun (FASA/Catalyst)
Underground (Mayfair)
X-Men Legends and related
titles such as Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Activision)
The Burke novel series
(Andrew Vachss)
The Great and Secret Show
(Clive Barker)
Imagica (Clive Barker)
(inspiration for modern magic campaigns)
Keeper and others (Greg
Neuromancer, Mona Lisa
Overdrive, and others (William Gibson)
The Repairman Jack novel
series (F. Paul Wilson)
Rainbow Six and others (Tom
The Wild Cards novel series
(George RR Martin, editor)
Television and Movies
The A-Team
Aeon Flux (animated series
moreso than the film)
Blackhawk Down
The Crow (inspiration for
modern magic campaigns)
Dark Angel
Die Hard
GI Joe The Movie (1980s)
Hellraiser film series
(inspiration for modern magic campaigns)
Knight Rider (classic and
mid-2000s revamp)
Lethal Weapon film series
New Jack City
Predator (and its sequels)
Rambo (2008 film especially)
Red Dawn (original)
Spawn (animated series)
The Transporter
Terminator & T-2
Three Kings
Top Gun
Soldier film series
New Languages
following languages are unique to the
Psi-Watch Campaign Setting.
Culture –An elegant and overly
complex language which borrows some linguistic cues from Middle Eastern
languages, spoken by the Culture and many client species throughout the galaxy.
A common trade argot.
Scarred – The language of the
Bleeding Ghosts, a whistling, clicking, growling language with few vowels,
which has become the trade language of the Galactic Scar, due in part to the
Bleeding Ghosts’ sheer dominance.
Zeth – Competes with Scarred for the
most common trade-tongue of the Galactic Scar. The messy, chaotic language
incorporates sound profiles and words from many, many other species.
President Spencer – CR 15
Medium LE Monstrous Humanoid
(human, light cyborg, watchtower)
XP 51,200

Languages English
AC 23 Touch 14 Flatfooted
19 (+3 DEX, +1 dodge, +4 natural, +5 armor)
HP 19d10 +76 hp (181 HP)
FORT +15 REF +9 WILL +15
Immune cyborg immunities, Psionics
; 50% chance to ignore critical hits (armor)
Resist Acid 10, Cold 10, Electricity
10, Fire 10, Pleasure 10
Weaknesses Cybernetic Security Risk -1,
Spd 40 ft
Melee +23/+18/+13/+8 slam (1d10+5
bludgeoning plus 2d6 electrical plus stunned 1 minute (F-DC 12+electrical
damage negates) )
Ranged two +22 palm darts (1d10
piercing plus conversion therapy (F-DC 24 negates), 18-20/x2, 100 ft range
increment, single shot)
Psi-Like Abilities (ML 19th
Concentration +21)
At Will –
(augmented to affect virtually any creature, W-DC 20)
crisis of breath (affect up to 4 creatures in 20 ft burst, DC 18)
incite passion (W-DC 16)
3x/day – psychic crush (W-DC 20;
6d6 damage on successful save)
1x/day – apopsi (W-DC 21)
- crisis of life (W-DC 21)
- psychic chiurgury
Spell-Like Abilities (CL
19th Concentration +21)
1x/day –
Summon (1d4+1
Watchman Type I Mecha or 2d4 Tanks, 100%)
1x/day – Summon (1d3 Warbirds,
Str 20 Dex 16 Con 18
Int 14 Wis 18 Cha 14
Base Atk +19 CMB
+24 CMD 37
Feats Ability Focus (conversion therapy), Deflect Arrows,
Dodge, Improved Precise Shot, Mobility, Pinpoint Targeting, Point Blank Shot,
Power Attack, Precise Shot, Shot on the Run
Skills Bluff +24, Diplomacy +24,
Knowledge (behavioral sciences, business, civics, history, local, religion) all
at +24, Perception +26 (+36 vs concealed Mutants)
Gear +3 buff coat of medium
fortification, access to the “nuclear football”
Environment any
Organization accompanied by high level
bodyguards including Combat Mentats, Pundit Clones and Rushmore Combat Androids
Treasure double standard (including
gear, in lair)
Special Abilities
Conversion Therapy (SU)
President Spencer’s palm-mounted dart launcher fires nanite-laced toxins that shut down mutant powers and occult abilities.
President Spencer’s palm-mounted dart launcher fires nanite-laced toxins that shut down mutant powers and occult abilities.
target damaged by President Spencer’s darts loses access to any racial trait
requiring conscious activation, and cannot cast arcane spells, or use
Supernatural or Spell-Like abilities requiring conscious activation.
(Conversion therapy does not affect divine spellcasting nor psionic abilities.)
under this effect, the target’s sexual orientation changes to heterosexual, and
their gender changes to match their genetic sex, if different, for the purpose
of determine what powers and abilities affect them. This may limit use of
sex-linked powers and abilities. This secondary effect of conversion therapy cannot affect a character with the Iron Heart feat.
effect remains in place on the target until they receive a remove disease spell or similar effect. An initial DC 24 FORT Save
negates the effect of a particular dart, but new attacks require additional
FORT Saves. The save DC is CON-based and includes the bonus for Ability Focus.
Electro-Shock Impact (SU)
President Spencer inflicts an additional +2d6 points of electrical damage with a successful melee attack. The target is stunned for 1 minute after the impact unless they succeed at a FORT Save (DC 12 _+ the electrical damage inflicted).
President Spencer inflicts an additional +2d6 points of electrical damage with a successful melee attack. The target is stunned for 1 minute after the impact unless they succeed at a FORT Save (DC 12 _+ the electrical damage inflicted).
Target Lock (EX)
creatures with the Watchtower subtype within 100 ft of President Spencer will
hold their action until the President acts. If the President attacks a target
with either the Mutant or Patriot subtype, all Watchtower robots within this
aura receive a +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls against the designated
target. They will attack this target exclusively until it is destroyed. If the
Watchtower mecha use their Flame Thrower
Purge special attack instead, increase the fire damage inflicted by +2d6.
Only a single target may be designated this way at any given time.
Psionic Immunity (SU)
President Spencer is immune to any psionic power that allows power resistance.
President Spencer is immune to any psionic power that allows power resistance.
As America rebuilt from the
meta-human assassination of President George H.W. Bush shortly after America
declared victory in Desert Storm, former Indiana governor and anti-mutant
firebrand Michael C. Spencer won a hard-fought campaign for the Republican
candidacy. Appealing to enraged masses of Reagan-era conservatives, a new breed
of anti-mutant activist and Evangelical Christians convinced the End Times were
at hand, Spencer’s strident message carried him into the White House, easily
defeating the Democratic nominee, Bill Clinton.
Within days of being sworn
in, President Spencer began carrying out the “Contract with Humanity” he and
his colleagues promised during the election. In addition to a deliberate
rollback of hard won rights for women, minorities, LGBT citizens and the poor,
Spencer’s cabinet began overturning the civil rights Mutants and Hard Genes had
taken for granted since the late 1970s. The Watchtower Program, dormant since
the Carter Administration, reawakened. Heavily armed, federal troops replaced
federal funding in Mutant communities in LA, Detroit and elsewhere. The nascent
Mutant community formed in the wake of the McDuffie, MO Crisis was treated as
public health emergency, and many new mutants were forced into quarantine
President Spencer is a tall,
rigid man in his 60s, with the delivery of a revival preacher and an intense,
gunslinger’s stare. His current body is a façade: shortly after taking the oath
of office, President Spencer accepted a full cybernetic retrofit.
Cyber-surgeons loyal to the Cult of Nyarlathotep
rebuilt the President as a front-line warrior against Mutant corruption.
Alliance with a secret order of Egyptian pagans rankled the Evangelical Spencer,
but he reluctantly accepted the cult’s secret aid in order to purge the Mutant
stain from the human genome. Now, while President Spencer can still pass for
human, his cyber-chassis makes him more powerful than any last-gen Watchtower
now, President Spencer fights his battles against Mutants and other undesirable
Americans in the courts and on conservative airwaves. However, when the war
against Mutants finally goes hot, Spencer will lead America’s armies as a
post-human Commander in Chief. Unknown to any but his closest aids and
political allies, President Spencer has drafted secret (and likely illegal)
executive orders to be put into place during ‘times of genetic emergency’ that
give him effectively unlimited powers.
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