I just put Shades and Spandex up for sale. It's a very fun magic and psionic item sourcebook for the Psi-Watch Campaign Setting. From the book's sell text:
Shades & Spandex is going to be the first of a periodic series of magic
and psionic items sourcebooks for the Psi-Watch Campaign Setting. Within,
you’ll find dozens of new magic and psionic items inspired by the comics and
animation of the early 1990s, all designed to enrich your campaign. Included
are lethal new guns for psionic super-soldiers, armor ranging from inch thick
reactive plate built up over a hydraulic exo-skeleton to ultra-light and
seductive spandex, highly specialized katana and the custom-modified, black
leather trenchcoats to conceal them in.

Next up, a quick look at an upcoming book. A few days back I purchased Sandy Peterson's Cthullu Mythos for Pathfinder from www.rpgnow.com. It's a fucking awesome sourcebook, and at over 500 pages, it's a really ambitious one. It's also a book ideally suited for PDF format, even though I'd love to get a hardcopy sooner or later. I got to thinking about my Horrors of the Lifechain series.... collecting everything done to date, adding a ton of new content and aiming for a deep space and cosmic bestiary even bigger and more ambitous than last year's Secret Soldiers.
Anyway, the five Anthony Cournoyer thumbnails at right are the first new creatures specifically commissioned for this book. The top row includes a creatures called a Pallintid Knight (the shark woman), Kyklos Gemeson (the robo-giraffe), and the Quinniuq (the floating totem pole thing). The Quinniuq are going to be my Quintession analouges, and they're a really fun breed of bad guy.
The bottom row includes the Zammax Giant (at left) and the Omni-Consumptos (evil Tony the Tiger, at right). I've imagined the Omni-Consumptos as a new type of Great Old One, a psychic parasite that takes its form from a victim-planet's pop culture and advertising. Basically, he's a dark sci-fi riff on the StayPuft Marshmellow Man from Ghostbusters; one of his racial abilities is even titled "Choose the Form of the Destructor"... he was a ton of fun to write up.
Blessed Be