Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ready for Lift Off!

Alright, thanks to my new found familiarity with Adobe PageMaker, Psi-Watch is finished and ready for release. Barring any unforeseen problems with Mark's final QA pass, it should be up in a day or three! The final manuscript totals 219 pages (including cover, some splash pages, and OGL) and there's some dense, crunchy text on about 215-216 of those pages. You'll definately be getting your money's worth.

I'm pretty proud of the way it came together... the writing's top notch, there's alot of world information- which is something alot of readers wanted from Black Tokyo, including major NPCs, setting groups, enemies and allies, all of which have a definate "Image Comics" vibe. No NPC statblocks though, since I absolutely fuckin' hate writing those things.... statting up villians is probally my least favorite part of RPG-writing.

Some of my favorite things about the project:

It's definately a homage to the early Image stuff, and there's a ton of in jokes, send ups (and even a few flat out rip offs) scattered through out. I'm especially fond of one of the new player races: The Jupiter Tainted mutants, which are basically Fuji from StormWatch with a new coat of paint. Fuji, espeically under Warren Ellis grew into one of my favorite characters on the team, and I'm glad I got to build something like him. Also, a Jupiter Taint mutant is the 3rd illustration in the manuscript, counting the cover.... figure's a little stiff, but I really like how the design for the containment suit came out. I was going for a mix of Fuji and Johann Kraus from B.R.P.D and I think I succeeded admirably.

Also on the art front, I really liked the way the illustration for the Final Sword advanced class came out. It's one of the best things I've ever done myself, and I've previewed it here before. Hopefully, you'll like it.

Other than my own art, I illustrated this project with stock art from the Louis Porter Image Portfolio and Shaman's Stock Art lines, both of which I can't recommend enough. My favorite stock peice has to be the red shell suit.... and you'll know which one I'm talking about when you see it. That puppy is so bad ass I made it a full page splash, introducing the power armor chapter.

On the writing front, I think you'll enjoy the new take on the D20 Modern Psionics system. It's class and feat based. No power points, no class ability lists.... Psi Watch psychics are a little bit less diverse, more tightly focused around a single power theme, but their abilties are easier to use and alot cooler. Most of the powers in the book can be used at will, or a generous number of times per day, and are VERY, VERY powerful. If you want to rack up a pretty impressive body count, go with the Incenerator Advanced Class. That class' 10th level, capstone ability is entitled "Living WMD" and the name's accurate.

Anyway, look for it on RPGNow.Com this weekend, and pick it up. Also, I'd like some reviews. Anybody want a comp copy for review purposes? Drop me a line at I'd like to get the word out on this puppy as fast, and as far as possible.


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