Today, I want to preview the Heavy Future media guide, a
list of suggested books, websites, comics, games, movies and music that should
get you in the Heavy Future mood. A similar media guide for Otherverse America
got a lot of comments, when I released it a few years back, including a fairly
nice note from novelist Andrew Vachss’ publicist.
After that, I’ll post up the Magic Item index as it stands
today, and preview a few individual magic items, with a little commentary.
First up, the Media Guide…..
Media Guide: NC-17
The following books, movies, comics and music capture the
feel of Heavy Future. Give ‘em a look or listen.
Comix & Graphic
The Airtight Garage
Alien Legion
Camelot 3000
Den (Richard Corbin)
Heavy Metal/Metal Hurlant
Lobo (seriously, anything Lobo)
Star Wars: Darth Maul mini and Knights of the Old
Republic mini
Particular Artists
Angus McKie
Boris Vallejo
Chris Foss
Fred Gambino
Hajime Sorayama
Jim Burns
Ralph McQuarrie
Simon Bisley
Tom of Finland
Wayne Barlowe
Barlowe’s Guide to Extraterrestials (artbook by Wayne
Biography of a Space Tyrant, Firefly, others (Piers Anthony)
Stranger in a Strange
Land, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress,
others (Robert Heinlein)
Ringworld and others (Larry Niven)
Games (Pen &
Paper and Electronic)
Brutal Legend
Damnation Decade
Jet Set Radio Future
Gamma World (any edition)
Machinations of the Space Princess
Macho Women With Guns!
Planet Motherfucker
Rifts (especially Atlantis, Australia,
Juicer Uprising, and the New West sourcebooks)
Space Channel 5
Stars Without Number
Warhammer 40,000, including Rogue Trader and others
Movies &
3,000 Miles to Graceland
Alien (and surprisingly, Alien: Resurrection, not so much
the superior Aliens)
Battle Beyond
the Stars
Battlestar Galactica (1970s)
The Blues Brothers
Cannonball Run
Cleopatra 2025
Dukes of Hazzard
Dune (1980s film)
Flash Gordon (1980s film)
The Fifth Element
Guns, Girls and G-Strings: the Andy Sidaris Collection
Ice Pirates
Jemm & The Holograms
Planet Terror
The Satisfiers of Alpha Blue (adult)
Serenity (and the TV show which preceded it, Firefly)
Sons of Anarchy
Star Crash
Star Wars (the original, unmodified trilogy, bootlegged on
Titan A.E.
The Warriors
Wizards/Rock N’ Rule
Music (Play in a
Constant Loop)
The Blue Oyster Cult
Cradle of Filth
Guns N’ Roses
Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones and other boomer rockers
Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
Monster Magnet
Rob Zombie & White Zombie
Rush (especially 2012)
The Scorpions
Tumblrs (Free
Visual Inspiration)
Now, take a look at the Magic Item index, and compare it to
where I was last post. You’ll notice I’ve done a ton of work…..
Heavy Magic Items
Magic items here have both a GP
value and a Purchase DC. The item’s Purchase DC
was calculated by converting the item’s GP cost to modern wealth using a 1 GP:
1 US dollar : 1 standard galactic credit ratio. Not too precise, but it works.
Wondrous Items
(Cn) indicates a consumable item
- Arcade Magician
- Astronaut Ice Cream(Cn)
- Bacta Hot Tub
- Bailout Ring
- Cloning Banks
- Concert Stickers (Cn)
- Dino Disk (Cn)
- Dr. Youp’s Funk Soul Brand Potion (Cn)
- Dr. Youp’s Gunslingin’ Ring
- Dr. Youp’s Insta-Dispensary
- Dr. Youp’s Jailbait Recipe (Cn)
- Dr. Youp’s Liquid Dream Oil (Cn)
- Dr. Youp’s Liquid Sex (Cn)
- Engineer’s Kit Bag
- Hacker Box
- Hyperspatial Hypercubes
- Omni-Skates
- Outlaw Journo Headphones
- Pacifician Pacifisto
- Pinball Wizard: “The All Seeing Eye”
- Pinball Wizard: “The Mighty Mutator!”
- Pinball Wizard: “Mistress of the Crypt!”
- Pinball Wizard: “Operation: Forcefield”
- Pilgrim’s Staff
- Satanic Panic Button
- Soylent Rations (Cn)
- Space Breather
- Telepathic Amplifier
- Unitrans Ring
Magic Weapons
- American Katana
- Dom Gun
- Dr. Youp’s KTMF Blaster
- Green Wasp Disintegrator Blaster
- Ironsaw Rocker
- Love Gun
- Maternal Ribbon
- Murder Maxxer
- Particle Vibrator
- Reentry Pistol
- Satanic Snuff-Dagger
- Shahteyan Particle Katana
- Spray and Pray Gospel Blaster
- Sub Gun
- Sundowner Pistol
Magic Armor and
- Bootie Shaker Shorts
- Combat Data Goggles
- Daredevil’s Jumpsuit
- Dead Astronaut’s Suit
- Demon Swallow Masque
- Galactic Go-Go Boots
- Gynoid’s Wig (lesser)
- Gynoid’s Wig (greater)
- Hyperflight Leathers
- King Karate Jumpsuit
- King Vegas Jumpsuit
- Lover’s Goggles
- Lion’s Comb
- Pacifician Starsuit
- Pleasurer Stockings
- Power Suit
- Psyren Vocalizer
- Racing Gloves
- RoxWitch’s Hat
- Salvager’s Boonie Cap
- Scornful Furs
- Smuggler’s Space Suit
- Star-Fairy’s Gown
- Star Ganger’s Cut
- Star Trucker’s Cap
- Star Valkyrie’s Helm
Minor Artifacts
- Extinction Blade
- “The Omega Starfighter” Arcade Magician
- Spacelord’s Chakra Gem
Heavy Artifacts
- Cosmic Excalibur
Finally, let me preview
a few of the cooler magic items… and a fancy new type of ‘mundane’
Particle Katanas are my ‘please don’t sue me, George Lucas’
knock of light sabers. I’ve expanded the technology to different type of
weapons, not just swords. You’ve got particle blade axes, even particle whips,
because as a kid one of the first comic books I ever read was an issue of
Marvel’s Star Wars series, wherein a female Sith with a lightsaber whip utterly
pwned Luke Skywalker. An image of her is up top- sorta looks like a female Darth Vader designed by Nagel. Very cool.
Particle Axe
Particle Axe functions the same way a Particle Katana does, but in its
powerless state is a long shaft with dual projector ends on both side of the
staff, opposite the power switches. The Particle Axe produces a double head axe
blade of plasma and charged particles.
Special: Particle Axes use the same
special rules as Particle Katana, but have a slightly different critical hit
chart, focusing on upper body wounds.
Particle Katana
Particle Katana is a high-tech powered weapon from a more civilized age. When
powered down, the weapon is a slightly curved hilt with a concave aperture that
serves as a projector array at one end. A flick of the thumb switch creates a
brightly glowing blade of magnetically contained plasma and charged exotic
metal particles that can cut through almost anything.
Katana are powered by the electromagnetic aura of their wielders, and have
effectively unlimited life. Blade colors are most commonly green, blue, or
rusty red, though purple, gold, orange and even the occasional pink blades can
be found. Particle Katana cannot be thrown, as the plasma blades require
positive pressure on two hilt switches to operate.
- Special: Particle Katana are always masterwork quality weapons, and receive a +1 masterwork bonus to attack and damage rolls. Particle Katana are handmade weapons, each bearing the unique stamp of their creator- these weapons are never mass produced.
- Special: Particle Katana can be used with any feat that requires a Blade of the Cosmos as a weapon focus; Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Particle Katana) can substitute for any feat with Blade of the Cosmos as a prerequisite.
- Special: On a critical hit, a Plasma Katana severs one of the target’s limbs rather than inflicting multiplied damage. Roll d20 to determine the appendage that is severed.
Particle Whips
Whips are nasty, difficult weapons derived from the same tech that powers
Particle Katana. They consist of a fist-sized emitter, which projects a
roiling, crackling, coiling length of whip-thin magnetically charged plasma
several meters long.
- Special: Particle Whips use the same special rules as Particle Katana, but have a slightly different critical hit chart, focusing on extremity wounds.
- Special: The Particle Whip can attack as a ranged weapon with a 15 ft maximum range and no range increment.
Particle Axe
Particle Katana
Particle Whip
Non Human Limb (tail, a wing, a secondary arm or tentacle,
ect. Read as 2 on humanoids)
Either hand at the wrist
Either hand at the wrist.
Either hand at the wrist
Either arm at the elbow
Either arm at the elbow.
Either hand at the wrist
Either arm at the elbow
Either arm at the shoulder.
Either arm at the elbow
Either arm at the shoulder
Either foot at the ankle.
Either foot at the ankle
Either arm at the shoulder
Either lower leg at the knee.
Either foot at the ankle
Head (as a vorpal weapon)
Either leg at the thigh.
Either leg at the knee
Head (as a vorpal weapon)
Melee Weapons
Range Increment
Purchase DC
26 (11,500 gp)
24 (6,450 gp)
24 (6,475 gp)
So now that you know how ‘basic’ particle blade weapons
work, lets take a look at a magical Particle Katana.
Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot weapon Price 24,500 gp (DC 29) Weight 2 lbs
Just what every stripper needs- a particle katana that
can double as a stripper pole or even assist in rapid costume changes by
turning into a big, glowy hulahoop. The Shahteyan Particle Katana projects a
beam of neon death and has a handle accented with pink chrome fins and
The Shahteyan Particle Katana is a +1 Particle Katana. While wielding the weapon, a female wielder can
command the Shahteyan Particle Katana to assume its other functions.
She can command the weapon to assume the form of a
glowing stripper’s pole, which functions as an immovable rod and sheds colorful, Bright illumination to 60 ft. The
stripper pole can extend to a maximum of 15 ft tall, and provides a +5 bonus on
Perform (dance) checks made in conjunction with it.
The wielder can also command the weapon to curl back on
itself and assume a hulahoop-like form. By passing the hulahoop over her body,
the wielder can cast alter self, to
assume the form of any female humanoid in the same size category as her own.
The character may also choose to permanently alter the cut and style of any
clothing she’s wearing (though its properties do not change) by stepping
through the glowing hulahoop. The Shahteyan Particle Katana can be commanded to
assume hulahoop form up to 3x each day.
While in stripper pole form or hulahoop form, the device
does not inflict damage, allowing the wielder to grasp it without slicing her
hands off.
Requirements Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, alter self,
Cost 12,250 gp
(DC 26)
Take a look at a selection of some of the setting’s wondrous
items. I’m going for one of three themes when I build magic items for this
- Generic sci-fi type magic items, things that would be explained away as superscience in most other settings.
- Stuff that captures a late 1970s vibe, based on the fads and pop culture of the era. The cheesier the better.
- Anything that’s either super raunchy or just kinda wrong, or a direct, 70s flavored parody of something from existing sci-fi.
Guess what categories these items fit into.
Cloning Banks
Aura strong necromancy CL 15th
Slot none Price 725,000 gp (DC 41) Weight 8-10 tons
Cloning Banks are massive industrial flesh fabrication
units. Enormous glass tubes filled with luminous aquamarine fluids are
maintained by massive banks of medi-computers. Each Cloning Bank has 6
individual cloning tanks.
Each tank can be used to clone a single Medium or Large creature as per the clone spell. The same creature can be
cloned in multiple tubes, or multiple creatures can be cloned in the cloning
banks. Clones can either be the same gender as the original or reverse
gendered, as the cloner’s option. The cloning banks can sustain inert clones
indefinitely; it requires a DC 20 Computer Use check to ‘dump’ a prepared clone
and clear the tank for reuse.
Cloning tubes are inert for 1d6+1 days after either a
clone is decanted from the tube or a stored clone is ‘dumped’ in anticipation
of another cloning.
Requirements Craft
Wondrous Items, clone
Cost 362,500 gp
(DC 38)
Outlaw Journo Headphones
Aura strong divination CL 13th
Slot head Price 165,000 gp (DC 36) Weight 2 lbs
These bulky, hot-pink headphones are emblazoned with
Outlaw Sex Station 09’s glowing star logo, and have a retractable antenna built
into the left ‘can’. A folding boom microphone is built into the opposite ear
Journo Headphones include an integrated palm top computer (controlled by
holo-displays and voice commands) and a secure, multi-channel ansible
communicator with a multi-light year range.
The Outlaw
Journo Headphones allow the user to use several Bard spells, the better to seek
out information, tell a story the ICG doesn’t want the galaxy to hear or just
spread the love. These powers can be used a number of times per day as shown
- Detect Magic (at will)
- Expository Geomorph* (3x per day: 1x four sided geomorph, 2x twenty sided geomorphs)
- Joyful Rapture (1x per day)
- Persistent Image (3x per day)
- Share Memory (at will)
- Undetectable Alignment (at will)
Requirements Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, detect magic,
expository geomoroph, joyful rapture, persistent image, share memory,
undetectable alignment
Cost 82,500 gp
(DC 33)
Expository Geomorph
School divination
Level bard 3, oracle 4
Casting Time 1
standard action
Components V, S
Range inapplicable
Duration 1 hour /
level or until discharged
Saving Throw No Spell Resistance No
You conjure
a glowing, multi-faceted crystal that floats near your eye level. It pulses and
chimes softly, and answers your questions in a sing-song voice. When this spell
is cast, you decide how many facets your geomorph has, which in turn determines
how knowledgeable it is and how many questions the geomorph may answer before
the spell ends.
Each time
you ask the Expository Geomorph a question, it makes a Knowledge check on your
behalf. Whether the check is successful or not, one of the facets goes dark.
When all facets are expended, the Expository Geomorph winks out and the spell
ends. Geomorphs with fewer facets have more information, as shown on the chart
below. The Expository Geomorph is considered to have the listed ranks in all
Knowledge skills.
Number of Facets
Modifier on Knowledge checks
The Pinball Wizard series of magic items were really fun to
write. The whole, bad-sci fi, lazy world building idea that they’d still be
playing pinball in the 35th Century fits well with the 70s-flavored
esthetic I’ve got for Galaxy Command as a whole. It just works, and because
there are so many, I can honestly imagine retro ‘space-arcades’ as adventuring
locations…. This new type of magic item will feed back into the Gazetteer
section, and help fill out the world a little bit more.

Slot none Price 150,000 gp (DC 35) Weight 200-250 lbs
The All Seeing Eye is a futuristic pinball machine with a
fantasy motif. A neon hologram of a bearded wizard with a conical hat taunts
and berates the players as flashing lights and buzzers distract them. Victory
means access to useful transmutation magic.
Playing a game of “All Seeing Eye” requires 2d6 minutes
and a 1 gp ‘donation’ into the credit slot. Make a DEX check; the result of
which determines the divination effect provided to the player. Failure wastes
the money and time but provides no benefit.
A specific creature can only
benefit from the pinball machine once per day.
- DC 10: Anticipate Peril
- DC 12: Identify (an object placed atop the pinball machine)
- DC 14: Locate Object
- DC 16: Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
- DC 18: Locate Creature
- DC 20: Scrying
Requirements Craft
Wondrous Items, Anticipate Peril,
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Identify, Locate Creature, Locate Object, Scrying
Cost 75,000gp (DC
Next time, I’ll post up some armors.
I recommend My Retrospace's Top 25 babes in science fiction film, full of the 1960-1989 sleaze you're drawing on.
Good recommendation. I'd seen it and bookmarked it already.
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