Next up. What would you say to a completely revised, one book version of Fursona? The Pathfinder adaptation of Battlechangers got me thinking of new ways to build Anthro characters: more flexibility, no ever-expanding list of Orders. I started playing around with the Gravity Cats from Galaxy Command/Heavy Future, and came up with a revised Shipper player race. I'm thinking that when I eventually do revise Fursona, I'll rebuild Anthros in-line with the design philosophy you see here.
Take a look.
Humanoid (anthro)
“Shippers” is common slang for a
myriad of interfertile semi-animalistic aliens with no clear home world or
point of origins. Many Shippers hail from worlds either conquered or
annihilated outright during the Great Galactic Darkness, or worlds that were
lost to the relentless march of the Imperial
Church of the Galaxy’s anti-anthro

Shippers are an assortment of
anthropomorphic hominids, ranging in size from petite rodent-derived species
that barely top 4.5 ft to massive ursiods and capricornoids that are 7.5 ft
walls of muscle, fur and horn. The most numerous ethnic blocs within the
Shipper confederacy seem to be derived from rodent-evolved or felinoid stock.
The various Shipper races are
interfertile and often omni-fertile, suggesting either some common ancestry or
genetic tinkering sometime in the distant past. As a result, details like fur
and eye configuration, cranial shape, tail length and texture, the presence of
horns, crests and other display appendages seems to vary wildly among
individuals. Thanks to recessive genes, a family of grey-pelted lapine-derived
Shippers might occasionally give birth to a larger than normal kit with crimson
and gold tiger striping.
The one commonality among Shippers
is their dress: space-worthy and highly practical. Shippers usually wear
armored jump suits and custom fitted space suits designed around a rack of
antlers or a long, semi-prehensile tail. They tend to carry everything they own
neatly rolled up in an engineer’s bedroll or slid into one of their many
jumpsuit pockets.
Shippers are a space born race. The
species has no homeworld- some Shipper races lack any curiosity or nostalgia
for their lost homeworlds. Others have mythologized what they have lost as ancestral
paradise- a destroyed heaven for anthropomorphics of their genotype.
Shippers were forced to become galactic gypsies, who survive
by selling their services (as everything from astronautics technicians to
prostitutes to mercenaries) to the major stellar empires. Traveling in enormous
ark ships carved from planetoids and ancient star cruisers, Shippers have
crossed and re-crossed the Milky Way, and have visited every major planetary
port of call.
Shipper society is based around the ark; the citizens of a
single ark are considered part of a single extended family, regardless of their
evolutionary lineage. These ‘ark families’ can include well over a hundred
thousand Shippers, all unified in a quest for resources, profit and glory. Rivalries
between ark ships can be deadly, especially when the clans are competing for
scarce resources or some juicy contract.
Sex, Drugs and Violence
Shippers are an earthy, sexual
people, with few sexual taboos. Most of their taboos are fairly common-sense
prohibitions against crimes like rape and incest, rather than complex ethical
prohibitions. Public displays of affection are not frowned on, and given the
cramped conditions aboard most arcs, most Shippers politely look the other way
if a neighbor is rutting.
The various Shipper lineages are
interfertile, and many Shippers are pan-racial. Breeding outside the lineage is
encouraged, as unexpected new genetic combinations that prove viable have the
potential to uplift the race as a hole. Pregnancy and birth is celebrated among
Shippers, and many arks are hotbeds of eugenic experimentation, as various
Shippers strive to find the perfect mix of bloodlines. Complex, often
polyamorous relationships that bind several allied crews are the norm.
Shipper pregnancies tend to last
between six months and a year, and depending on the creatures involved, might
produce a single birth, a litter of dozens of kits, or anything in between.
Miscarriages and infant mortality are slightly higher than the galactic norm;
given their genetic diversity, not every new Shipper mutation is a positive
one. Lifespan tends to be commiserate with the Human Diaspora, though there
both positive and negative exceptions.
Politics & Culture
Shippers hold a culture-wide
loathing for the bigots of the ICG elite and have a deep suspicion of even
everyday ICG faithful. The ICG has spent centuries trying to annihilate any
blending of humanoid and animal, something they consider anathema, and many
older Shippers can recite the names of ship-mates and friends lost to an ICG
kill squad.
Despite this, Shippers will
sometime do piecework for the ICG, if their ark can’t find a better contract
somewhere. They don’t like it, and the ICG are bastards to work for, but in
desperate times, the Shippers will grudgingly do it.
Shippers are on better terms with a
variety of galactic factions, but aren’t truly trusted by anyone. Many Free
Spacers have intermarried into Shipper arcs and vice versa. The race gets along
well with the similarly space-based Proximites. In any port of call, anywhere
in the dirty galaxy, you’ll find three races above all else: humans, Proximites
and Shippers.
Shipper names translate colorfully into Galactic Common. The
aliens place a great deal of importance on family, and each ark family tends to
earn a reputation based upon its members’ exploits. Individual Shippers are
more likely to be stereotyped based upon their ark of origin then they are by
their species as a whole. There isn’t much difference between male and female
Shipper names.
Personal Names: Engine Whisper, Light Whisker, Plasma
Horn, Star Paw, Sun Runner
Ark Surnames: Battlemoon Ark
(always demands cash up front for merc work), Brightwarp
Ark (great, if arrogant fighter aces), Meteorcrusher
Ark (asteroid miners, but they steal), Novasong
Ark (owe the Corporation Command big, most
join the Command Fleet)
Shippers begin play speaking a
trade language common to all arks, called Shipper
Patois and Galactic Common. Shippers
with high INT scores can choose any language
as a bonus language, except for secret languages like Druidic.
Shipper Racial Traits
All Shippers share the following
racial traits.
Size and Type
Shippers are Medium Humanoids with
the anthro and psionic subtypes. As Medium creatures, Shippers receive no
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Ability Score Modifiers
to any ability score of choice
Shippers are a diverse collection
of species, with many unique aptitudes and racial gifts. Like humans, they are
resistant to pigeonholing.
Normal Speed (EX)
Shippers have a base land speed of 30 ft.
Shippers have a base land speed of 30 ft.
Evolutionary Ability
Shippers have many powers, unique to their animal breeds. Each Shipper selects one ability from the following menu of extraordinary racial abilities. Once chosen, this gift cannot be changed, as they reflect the Shipper’s lineage.
Shippers have many powers, unique to their animal breeds. Each Shipper selects one ability from the following menu of extraordinary racial abilities. Once chosen, this gift cannot be changed, as they reflect the Shipper’s lineage.
Armored Hide (EX): The
Shipper gains a +4 natural armor bonus to AC.
Bestial Senses (EX): The Shipper gains a +2 racial
bonus on Perception checks to notice animate creatures or objects. They receive
a check to notice movement whenever it happens within 50 ft of them, whether or
now they are actively looking.
Bonus Feat (EX): The
Shipper gains a single racial bonus feat chosen from this list: Great
Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Nimble Moves, Power Attack,
Weapon Focus (natural weapons only).
Climb Speed (EX):
The Shipper gains a Climb speed of 30 ft and a +4 racial bonus on Climb checks.
Hearty (EX): The
Shipper is immune to disease and gains a +2 racial bonus on FORT saves against
poison. (This stacks with the benefit provided by a Scavenger metabolism.)
Insulated Hide (EX): The
Shipper has a thick, water proof pelt that provides Cold Resistance 5.
Pounce (EX): The
Shipper gains the Pounce racial quality.
Swift (EX): The
Shipper’s base land speed increases to 40 ft.
Swim Speed (EX):
The True Beast gains a Swim speed of 30 ft and a +4 racial bonus on Swim
Metabolism (EX)
Shippers are derived from an assortment of animal species, which defines their natural gifts. Most important among the distinctions between Shippers is their preferred feeding strategy. Choose one metabolism at character creation, which determines many of the Shipper’s traits (as well as the diet they demand from shipboard food replicators.)
Shippers are derived from an assortment of animal species, which defines their natural gifts. Most important among the distinctions between Shippers is their preferred feeding strategy. Choose one metabolism at character creation, which determines many of the Shipper’s traits (as well as the diet they demand from shipboard food replicators.)
Shipper herbivores receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks, and gain
a +2 natural armor bonus to AC.
Shipper omnivores receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics, Climb and
Survival checks, and one of these skills is always a class skill for them.
Shipper carnivores gain Darkvision 60 ft and the Scent special quality and
gain Weapon Focus (natural weapons) as a racial bonus feat.
Shipper scavengers gain the Scent special quality and receive a +4 racial bonus
on FORT Saves
against disease and poison. Scavengers can eat carrion, rotting meat or garbage
and derive nutrition without ill effects.
Natural Weapons (EX)
All Shippers possess some form of natural weapon, provided
by evolution.
Shippers receive two natural weapon attacks as primary
natural attack forms. These either take the form of two claw attacks that
inflict 1d6 + STR modifier points of
slashing damage (20/x2) or two hoof stomps that inflict 1d6 + STR
modifier points of bludgeoning damage (20/x2).
Alternatively, the Shipper can select a single gore attack
that inflicts 1d10 + STR modifier points of
damage (20/x3) in the case of horned (rhinoceros) or antlered (deer, elk)
derived Shipper species.
Lowlight Vision (EX)
Shippers possess lowlight vision.
Shippers possess lowlight vision.
Skilled Spacer (EX)
Shippers are well adapted to life in space, and are most comfortable aboard a starship. They’re damn good spacers, the equal of any human Free Spacer or Proximite techie.
Shippers are well adapted to life in space, and are most comfortable aboard a starship. They’re damn good spacers, the equal of any human Free Spacer or Proximite techie.
Shippers receive Zero G Training as
a racial bonus feat. Shippers receive a +2 racial bonus on Pilot checks and
Computer Use checks made to control shipboard systems.
Shippers Alternate Racial Traits
Shippers aren’t a single, monolithic species. Instead, this
motley assortment of anthro spacers represents the infinite diversity of shapes
that intelligent life can take in the galaxy.
Cosmopolitan (EX)
Replaces: Skilled Spacer
Replaces: Skilled Spacer
Shippers have a natural gift for languages and enjoy
encountering new cultures: first contact is always a joyous occasion for these
She shipper begins play speaking 1d4+1 additional bonus
languages, in addition to languages she earns for having a high INT
modifier. The Shipper gains a bonus rank in Linguistic and a new language known
each time she levels up.
Master Pilot (EX)
Replaces: Skilled
There’s nobody better behind the controls of a star fighter
than a Shipper pilot: after all, there’s a good reason they call it
‘dog-fighting’, right? The Shipper is treated as having the Improved Initiative
feat when at the controls of any spacecraft. If the Shipper already has this
feat, the effects stack.
Naturally Psionic (EX)
Replaces: Either
Evolutionary Ability or Skilled Spacer
The Shipper gains Wild Talent as a racial bonus feat. If she
later takes levels in a psionic class, she gains Psionic Talent instead.
Whenever the Shipper gains a new level, she may choose to gain an additional
power point rather than a bonus skill point or Hit Point.
Skilled Engineer (EX)
Replaces: Skilled Spacer
Replaces: Skilled Spacer
The Shipper spends her time on the engineering decks rather
than the bridge, fixing and jury-rigging, rather than piloting.
The Shipper receives Zero G Training as a racial bonus feat.
The Shipper receives a +2 racial bonus on all Craft checks made to repair or
upgrade a space vessel’s systems.
Station Sense (EX)
Replaces: Lowlight
When aboard a space station, starship, or other large
enclosed environment (such as a submarine), the Shipper attunes herself to the
subtle vibrations of the engine and ever-present hum of life support. When in
an environmentally sealed vehicle or environment, Shippers gain tremorsense with a 60 ft radius.
Telepathic Shipper (SU)
Replaces: Natural Weapons, adds subtype
Replaces: Natural Weapons, adds subtype
Several Shipper breeds have evolved innate telepathic gifts,
the better to bridge the communication gaps between the various Shipper
lineages. The Shipper gains telepathy 100 ft and gains the psionic subtype.
Final business?
Andrew, I read your suggestions for some APEX spells in the comments of a previous post, and dig your ideas. If you want to write the sourcebook, drop me an email. You've got some cool ideas, man.
Blessed Be,
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