I've also decided that since Psi-Watch is going to be a strongly early 90s period piece, you'll have a chance to encounter the big celebrities of the 1990s in game, albeit in some weird, altered forms. First up, there's Anthro versions of Kurt Cobain and Courtney love living here, instead of Seattle, because they were, like many others, mutated by the event that created Psi-Watch's Anthro species in the early 70s.
So let's get started with section one!
Cat’s Cradle
is the first in a series of short and mid-length sourcebooks detailing a particular
piece of the Psi-Watch Campaign Setting. Cat’s Cradle represents one of the
major points of divergence between the Psi-Watch version of Earth and our
reality – it is an alternate vision of the urban American Mid-West, populated
by a diverse array of Anthro denizens. Cat’s Cradle is a furry metropolis that
used to be Omaha, Nebraska, in an alternate 1993 desperately in need of

In 1971, a beam of blinding white light lanced
out of Saturn’s moon, Ganymede, and bathed the Western Hemisphere in supernal
radiance. When the light receded, roughly three percent of homo sapiens in the Americas, chosen seemingly at random, were no
longer quite human. After long minutes of painful spasms and unnaturally rapid
cellular mutation, the transformed rose on shaky legs as Anthros – furred,
animalistic hybrids of man and beast. The survivors of the White Dawn picked up
their lives as best they could, waiting for a staunchly anti-Mutant Congress to
restore their full civil rights. Even when the legalities were settled, in late
’72, the newborn Anthro race faced the discrimination and fear that had nearly
driven the Mutant subset of humanity into extinction.
Omaha, Nebraska was one of the few places in
North America that offered a welcoming climate for those with fur and fangs. Gutted
by the race riots of a decade prior, Omaha offered cheap land, cheaper rent and
a desperation for civic resurrection. Over the next few years, Anthros from
around the globe migrated into Omaha to rent apartments, buy homes, start
businesses and live their lives with a level of equality offered by few other
American cities. Their presence revitalized the city and its economy, as a host
of Anthro-specialized businesses were born. In 1978, Omaha officially changed
its name to Cat’s Cradle, Nebraska, celebrating its proud Anthro-majority
populace (which was more than 60% felinoid).
Growl and the Cobains
Growl is the
new sound of the 1990s, a rough-edged and highly personal evolution of rock and
roll. Anthro guitarists howl their hearts out, dressed in ragged flannels,
their manes long and untamed. Growl is sung in a patois of English and Fursong,
elongated, slurred vowels becoming echoing cries of rage and passion. Growl was
born in Cat’s Cradle, which means that the Nebraska metropolis is on the
bleeding edge of style for once.
Stallion and Ocelotina Cobain
are the power couple of Growl, fronting the (almost) all-Anthro supergroup Black
Feather. Stallion Cobain (NG male Anthro Bard 9) is the poster-horse
for Anthro pride who uses his celebrity not only to champion Anthro causes, but
also to improve the lot of Mutants. Despite his resolute public persona,
Stallion suffers from a deep and often poorly concealed self-loathing. If he
could give up the pelt, he would in an instant; when he dreams, he dreams of
the skinny blond boy he was born as, rather than the black horse he evolved
into. Some days, he wants to die rather than live another hour as Anthro. On
others, the better days, he fights for the rights and future of his species.
Ocelotina Cobain (N female Anthro Bard 10)
revels in the power and sensuality of her lithe, spotted body and has no
conscious memory of her human childhood. As much as she loves Stallion, she
hates the part of him that wants to be human. Their once-close relationship has
grown distant and painful, especially since the birth of their daughter, Frances.
Especially since Frances was born fully sapiens
without a trace of mutated DNA, which should be an impossibility for two
full-blooded Anthro parents. Ocelotina has gone back to drugs, and is dragging
Stallion down with her while Frances is tended by a succession of pure-strain
human nannies.
Fun Fact: Black
Feather was described as ‘almost’ all-Anthro. The one human in the group, the
one unmodified sapiens who can jam with the Anthros is Henry Rollins (LG male Human Paladin 2/Bard 7). He absolutely does
not trust Ocelotina and knows more than he lets on about Stallion’s
Dives, Growl Bars and Clubs
As the city that gave birth to Growl, Cat’s
Cradle has a thriving local music scene. Most clubs have names that celebrate
the owner’s Anthro pride and the species’ deep love of word play. Some places
might have cheaper drinks than others, some places might have better bands.
Roll 4D10 on the following chart to quickly build a random Cat’s Cradle joint.
Cradle Bars and Clubs
The Type of Place
What’s Cool About It?
The Problems
The Bat Cave
Bare concrete and sheet metal, popular with a
Goth and metal crowd
Popular hook-up spot for worshippers of the
OC Gangsters
running hard drugs
Fur The Weekend
Hip dual use coffee shop and record store
with a live music stage popular with college kids
Stallion Cobain played here before he got
famous, and comes back once or twice a year
Caught up in one of Mayor O’Rourke’s real
estate schemes
The Stable
Mellow bar with a great attached restaurant
Doesn’t bother carding Anthro kids
A serial killer selects Anthro victims from
among the bar’s patrons
Cat Scratch Fever
Graffiti covered mosh pit with a few attached
kegs and crates and plywood for a bar
Walking distance from a local college,
popular with students, lots of friendly weed dealers on hand
Conservative local sapiens politicians (who really don’t like Anthros) are trying to
shut the bar down
Snoopy’s Doghouse
A legendary rock venue that dates back to the
pre-Anthro days of the early 70s
There’s a well-equipped Mutant Rescue safehouse
built into the basement that local Mutants know about
A global mega-corp wants the land and is
block busting to buy out the city
No Kill Shelter
Pricy martini bar for a yuppie crowd, good
local bands on the weekend
Record label VIPs are usually in attendance,
making it a prime spot for local bands to earn a reputation
A Cool Ghoul Vigilante played here a
year back, now haunts the place looking for revenge against his or her
The Monkey Bar
Classic Irish bar décor with framed concert
posters dating back to the Sixties
An occult-artisan sells minor enchanted
trinkets some weekends
Secretly a front and meeting place for
Evolution’s Promise cultists – weird vibe
Nine Lives
Lots of soft furniture, beanbags, overstuffed
sofas, ect and altars to the Mates – an excellent makeout spot
They clear out a fighting circle for
bareknuckle boxing – good place to build a reputation
Every single kind of scam, identity theft and
con gets practiced on the patrons
Overpriced corporate Top 40s/Rock bar and
Bulletin board for the local punk scene, lots
of young musicians, SHARPS and anarchists got into the scene here
Western Dawn assholes are looking to make the
bar their new hangout
Recently renovated after being closed down
for most of the 80s, formerly a legendary punk or disco-era joint
Next door to something awesome that bar
patrons are either going to or coming from
A sadistic Anthro billionaire trolls for
lifestyle submissives here
Paleo’s Terrarium
Reptile, dinosaur and draconic Anthros are a
distinct minority within the Anthro community, relatively rare compared to
their warm-blood cousins. Paleo’s Terrarium has been a center
of the ‘scaly’ community in the Cradle since it opened in 1983. Paleo’s has
been owned and operated by its namesake, John Lee “Paleo” Sweet (N male
Anthro Bard 9) ever since. With a phenotype resembling a scaly pit viper with
azure-mint scales as cool as the jazz his club specializes in, Paleo Sweet is
considered one of the most stylish, old-school Anthros in the city. His age is
nearly impossible to guess: he was in his late fifties when he was transformed
by the White Dawn, and now, his reptilian body has given him back the vigor of
youth combined with the wisdom of experience.
Paleo’s Terrarium and its classic jazz doesn’t
attract too much attention from the younger generation of Growl fans, but
playing there is a status symbol for local musicians. Paleo has allowed both
Cobains to perform unplugged sets at the Terrarium, to sold out crowds. The
Terrarium is a dim, smoky place of burnished oak and frosted glass, and true to
the name, the place is kept far hotter and more humid than most mammals can
tolerate. The Terrarium is a staple of the Cradle’s revitalized downtown.
The Tail Higher! Burlesque
Hip, stylish and unabashedly sexy, Tail Higher!
is a thrilling night out and a step-up, culturally speaking, than a night at
the strip club. Before the chimeric, partially draconic Dani Moen (CN female Eroticized
Anthro Sorcerer 10) took the space over, it was a closed-down comedy club. Dani
leads an all-Anthro troupe of nude and semi-nude dancers, choosing performers
with the most distinct and colorful phenotypes she can find. Her stage shows
are dazzlingly acrobatic, often incorporating airborne routines from her avian
staff, and openly carnal. There’s never actual sex on stage, but most audience
members never quite realize that.
Dani does double duty on local call-in radio
shows as a sex educator and advice columnist, and a lot of her burlesque’s
discretionary funds goes to activism and feminist causes. She doesn’t think of
herself as a leader, but is one despite herself, and probably the staunchest
ally of the Mutt within city limits. Moen is a good friend to Lordosis
Shaw and her orgiastic temple. She is one of the few outsiders aware
there is a Breeder Oblix cult in the Cradle, though she has no idea its
extent, nor that Evolution’s Promise is its public face. In a characteristic
spasm of temper, she incinerated a cult recruiter she found trying to sway her
dancers. In retrospect, she should have probably questioned her first….
Rave Nights
Rave culture is just beginning to make its presence felt
in the Cradle. With the hypnotic, highspeed rhythms and trippy lightshows, the
presence of the Raver herself, a young Anthro goddess has come to the city.
Several abandoned fields and warehouses, relics of the city’s rail heritage,
lying just beyond the fashionable Old North district, have become impromptu
venues for weekend events. The best organized raves pay off the cops – most
just hope nobody calls them in or they don’t feel like racking up some easy
drug busts.
One of the hottest rave organizers and DJs is the
dim-witted but enthusiastic ferret Anthro, Liz Frisby (CG female Anthro Cleric
of the Raver 1). She likes partying and listening to good music as much as the
next mustelid, but she’s touched the cosmic, rainbow-fire glory of the Raver
and wants her events to share that glory. However, her attempts to explain her
faith, and the deity she serves quickly loop back around into inarticulate,
stoner-talk mish-mashes that leaves the listener more confused than before she
started talking.
Puzzle Ops in Cat’s Cradle
Gunnery Sergeant Edward Palmer
(use the Zookeeper statblock) commands the USMC recruitment center in
Cat’s Cradle, and the battle-hardened Marine is a familiar site at local high
school career fairs. GSGT Palmer has been tasked to bring as many combat ready
Anthro recruits into the USMC as circumstance allow. He also serves as a
stringer for Puzzle Ops Scholarship Division.
If a particularly impressive young Anthro
resists GSGT Palmer’s recruitment efforts, the Marines under his command are
not above using their influence to cancel college scholarships, end careers
before they begin, and cause the kind of family and personal crises that make
the military seem like an attractive option. Teenaged Anthros (especially those
few with latent psi-talents) are targeted for capture and brainwipe by Scholarship
Division soldiers, accompanied by Parentis combat androids. In the past three years, over a dozen teen and
pre-teen Anthros have disappeared into Puzzle Ops hands. Using their media
pawns, Puzzle Ops has been able to lay the blame for the disappearances on an
entirely fictional serial killer the papers call “The Pelt-Hunter”. The
Pelt-Hunter may be a complete fabrication, but ‘his’ crimes have still
spawned…. Would calling them copy-cat killings be inappropriate in a city of
Puzzle Ops deploys from the nearby Offutt
AFB, just outside the city proper. When on kidnapping missions into the
city, they use armored command centers and modified Blackhawk hover-coptors
painted in Cat’s Cradle SWAT livery. Until they can be transported to more
secure facilities, kidnapped Anthro children are kept in drug-induced stasis in
old barracks that have been fortified into high-tech, high-security command
center. Offutt’s Puzzle Ops detachment is under the command of Major Wilhelm Vedder (LE male Light
Cyborg Dread 10), who served the Chuck Wisenfeld in Vietnam and who
secretly despises Wisenfeld for a never forgotten insult at Kien Phong
“To Purr-tect and Serve”
When the city was renamed, the local police force changed the motto painted on their armored black Ford Tauruses. Despite the whimsical pun, the Cradle’s cops are highly competent and sometimes frighteningly lethal. Since the 1970s, the department has gone from nearly pure Irish to furred. Feline Anthros hold the majority of command positions, and for black cops on the street, the situation is worse than it was during the Sixties. Same goes for the city’s black populace – the boot on their neck conceals a paw, but it’s the same boot being felt by the people of McDuffie, Missouri.
When the city was renamed, the local police force changed the motto painted on their armored black Ford Tauruses. Despite the whimsical pun, the Cradle’s cops are highly competent and sometimes frighteningly lethal. Since the 1970s, the department has gone from nearly pure Irish to furred. Feline Anthros hold the majority of command positions, and for black cops on the street, the situation is worse than it was during the Sixties. Same goes for the city’s black populace – the boot on their neck conceals a paw, but it’s the same boot being felt by the people of McDuffie, Missouri.
Chief Warren Sokolov
(LE male Anthro Fighter 14) commands Cat’s Cradle’s police force. Chief Sokolov
is an almost supernaturally emotionless tiger, a career cop that thinks civilians
are all potential-criminals unless tightly controlled, the browner the skin,
the more probable the cause, and that if a cop does the shooting it’s always a
good shoot. Despite his icy dispassion
and gift for press conferences, Chief Sokolov is thoroughly corrupt. At this
point, he’s several million dollars in debt, juggling half dozen mistresses,
and is desperately scrambling to keep the money rolling in. He, and a handful
of trusted, big-cat cops on his payroll, are major parts of Mayor O’Rourke’s
scheme to buy up and flip the city’s black neighborhoods.
Rene Rotterham
(N female Anthro Smart 1) is Chief Sokolov’s secretary, a curvaceous and
chipper squirrel phenotype Anthro. She got the job on a ‘personal
recommendation’ from the Chief, and is the latest and least demanding of
Sokolov’s many mistresses. She’s not quite clever enough to realize how much
actionable intelligence on the Chief and the Mayor’s illegal schemes crosses
her desk every day.
Commander Michael “Jag” O’Rourke
(CE male Anthro Rogue 8/Magus 2) supervises the Cradle’s special operations
forces – aircraft officers and SWAT. Commander O’Rourke’s callsign is based on
his phenotype. He is a muscular, ebon-furred jaguar, in contrast to his mouse
parents. The city’s nobility studiously ignores his parentage, though he can’t.
He’s met his real father twice now, and much prefers the dark-furred warrior to
the ambitious rodent he cuckolded. Jag O’Rourke is a brutal warmonger – at his
insistence, the Cradle’s air ops division has purchased a pair of Apache attack
copters to supplement their Bell Rangers, and are in negotiations to purchase a
single Cloudfire Mecha for Jag’s exclusive combat use. Jag’s SWAT
teams see far more action than a city of the Cradle’s size would suggest, and
massive overkill is their first, second, and third response to any crisis.
Detective-Sargent Curtis Malley (LE
male Anthro Cleric of Species Superiority 7) is a sadistic career officer with
more than one hundred brutality complaints to his name. The fact that Malley is
Jag O’Rourke’s biological father is immediately evident from the color of their
pelts and their identical hunting cat phenotypes. Malley despises humans,
especially poor ones, and is a Anthro hardliner who wishes he could put the
baseline sapiens in the cages their
genetic inferiority deserves. Malley is too much of a frothing specieist to be
useful to Major O’Rourke’s land schemes, and wouldn’t be invited in anyway
because of the elder O’Rourke’s long-simmering hatred.
Malley has been secretly tutoring his bastard
son, nurturing his hatred of baselines. Malley baptized his secret son into the
traditions of the Superiority cult, wetting Jag O’Rourke’s claws in the blood
of a couple of sapiens drug dealers
Malley picked up during a street bust. After the kills, the younger O’Rourke
felt closer to his father than any other Anthro in his life, up-to and
including the man who gave him his surname.
Patrolman Andy Belker
(CG male Anthro Combatant 5) is the one honest cop in a department filled with
the other kind. He’s stuck walking a foot post in the Fontenelle Housing Projects, but he’s the only cop in the Cradle that’s
respected by sapiens and Anthro
civilians alike. Belker is a pugnacious 5’ 2” with a rat terrier phenotype.
Every inch of his salt and pepper pelt is marred by scars – Belker is a natural
brawler, more likely to bring down a suspect with his jaws than by pulling his
9mm. The chain of command hates Belker because he doesn’t buy into their
bullshit, but he’s too good a cop to fire without cause, and too popular with
the community to murder outright. So, they stuck him in a bad foot post and
hope some drug dealer eventually solves their problem for them.
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