So here is a homage villain based heavily on Helspont. At CR
18, Lord Gehenna may be even more threatening and lethal than his inspiration. The
top image depicts Helspont and is by Jim Lee, from the original WildC.A.T.s
run. The second image is John Picot’s
CGI rendition of Lord Gehenna.
Lord Ghennna (CR 18)
Large LE Aberration (fire, psionic)
XP 153,600
Init +5 Senses Blindsight 60 ft, Darkvision 90 ft,
lowlight vision, Perception +39
Languages Blooded
Ghost, Common, Culture, English, several others
Aura Plasmic
Furnace (5 ft inner aura 3d6 fire damage within a 30 ft outer aura that is
considered a highly irradiated area)
AC 29 Touch
10 Flatfooted 28 (-1 size,+1 DEX, +19 natural)
HP 28d8 + 196
+ 28 hp (350 HP)
+10 WILL +24
Damage Reduction 10/magic
Spell Resistance 24
Immune Cold,
Electricity, Fire, Radiation, Suffocation/Vacuum
Spd 40 ft
Melee +25/+20/+15/+10
slam (2d8+5 bludgeoning plus 2d8 fire, 20/x3)
Ranged +25/+20/+15/+10
fire bolt (8d10 fire, 100 ft range increment, 20/x4)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 28th)
Constant –
At Will –
Fireball (DC 25)
5x/day – Maximized
Fireball (DC 25)
3x/day –
Quickened Sunburst (DC 30)
Str 21 Dex
13 Con 24 Int 30 Wis
27 Cha 22
Base Atk +21
CMB +27 CMD 38
Feats Dazzling
Display (fire bolt), Diehard, Improved Initiative, Inevitable Victory, Lightning
Reflexes, Maximized Spell-like Ability (fireball), Point Blank Shot, Quicken
Spell-like Ability (sunburst), Shatter Defenses (fire bolt), Spell Focus
(evocation), Starship Operations, Superficial Mindscan, Toughness, Weapon Focus
(fire bolt)
Skills Acrobatics
+15, Bluff +37, Computer Use +24, Craft (electronic) +17, Disable Device +15,
Drive +8, Intimidate +37, Knowledge (arcana, geography, history, physical
sciences, religion, streetwise, tactics)
all at +30, Perception +39, Sense Motive +39, Spellcraft +41, Stealth +29,
Use Magic Device +37
Environment any
Organization solitary
or accompanied by several Blooded Ghost servants and extraplanetary threats,
including Lifechained monsters
Treasure triple
standard (mostly weapons, exotic alien energy sources and Blooded Ghost
cultural artifacts)
Special Abilities
Ancient Beyond Imagination (SU)
Gehenna is impossibly ancient, not just millions, but several billion years old; his mere presence
unsettles psi-sensitives. Echoes of his vast intellect and uncounted eons of
memories can destroy unwary minds.
creatures with the Psionic subtype suffer 1d4 points of temporary INT damage
for each round they remain within 60 ft of Lord Gehenna. A DC WILL Save can
prevent the damage for one round, but a new save must be made each round the
Psionic creature remains within Gehenna’s presence. Creatures reduced to 0 INT
in this manner are slain, suffering fatal strokes and uncontrolled
psi-discharges that literally liquefy their brains within their skull.
Immortality (SU)
Gehenna cannot be truly slain. He has survived longer than life has existed on
Earth, and will survive until the eventual heat death of the universe. Even if
Lord Gehenna is destroyed, his consciousness can reform a new body in as little
as 3d6 months. If Lord Gehenna can ever be permanently destroyed, and the exact
means of doing so, are left for the game master to decide. Alternately, finding
a way to trap his consciousness is a possibility for local game masters to
decide the feasibility of.
Inevitable Victory (SU)
Lord Gehenna’s strange perception of space-time allows him fleeting glimpses
from further up the time stream, when the Blooded Ghost race brings down the
Psi-Watch orbital platform, and begins its long awaited counterstrike against
their hated enemies, the Culture.
Up to 13
times per day, Lord Gehenna may attempt an Intelligence check (DC 8 + your
opponent’s CR or Hit Dice) If this intelligence check succeeds, Gehenna recover
a memory shared by a Blooded Ghost in an alternate future that reveals how your
enemy was finally brought down by some futuristic Blooded Ghost warrior.
If the
Intelligence check succeeds, Gehenna learns:
- Your target’s Defense Score, including touch and flatfooted scores.
- If your target has any form of resistances or immunities, including Damage Reduction.
- If your target suffers additional damage from any type of attack, and if so, which kind.
Making this
check is a free action. You may not take 10 or 20 on this check and may not
retry a failed check against the same target for at least 24 hours. A failed
check expends a daily use of this feat. Lord Gehenna receives a +5 circumstance
bonus on this INT check against creatures who have chosen the Time Crosser
starting occupation.
Plasmic Furnace (SU)
Gehenna’s body constantly emits lethal levels of heat and radioactivity. A 30
ft radius around Lord Gehenna is considered highly
irradiated; this area remains
radioactive for up to an hour after Lord Gehenna leaves the area. Areas where
the alien spends long periods of time are permanently radioactive.
Gehenna’s body is covered in shifting plasma flames that automatically inflict
3d6 fire damage to all creatures and objects within 5 ft (no save.)
Superficial Mind Scan (SU)
Gehenna can read the minds of those around him, easily scanning their surface
thoughts. The amount of information revealed depends on how long Gehenna
studies a particular area or subject. Gehenna may manifest this ability at
will, and maintain the scan for up to 8 minutes. Manifesting this ability is a
standard action, and Gehenna must rest at least one minute between activations
of this talent.
- First round of the scan: Reveals the presence or absence of thinking minds (from conscious creatures with an INT score of 1 or higher) within a 60 ft cone emanating from you. You do not pinpoint scanned creatures or know their exact location.
- Second round of the scan: You know the number of sentient creatures (INT score of 5+) and the INT score of any creature within your scanning range.
- Third round of the scan: You detect the surface thoughts of any mind within the area. The subject can attempt a WILL Save (DC 12 + your WIS modifier) to avoid having its thoughts read. Animals and similar low intellect creatures have simple, instinctual drives you can pick up.
If the subject succeeds on a WILL
save, Gehenna must manifest this ability again to have another chance. Each
round Lord Gehenna concentrates on maintaining the scan, you can scan another
60 ft cone. The power can penetrate barriers, but may be stopped by 1 ft of
stone, 1 foot of common metal, a thin lead sheet, or 3 ft of wood or dirt.
Tactical Immortality (EX)
Older than the sun itself, Lord Gehenna can outwit even the most experienced enemy. Once per encounter, as a swift action, Lord Gehenna can activate his tactical immortality. Doing so allows Lord Gehenna to completely negate any successful attack against himself, and reassign the negated attack’s damage to any visible enemy creature within 30 ft. Lord Gehenna cannot negate area effect attacks in this manner, only individually targeted attacks, whether melee or ranged.
Older than the sun itself, Lord Gehenna can outwit even the most experienced enemy. Once per encounter, as a swift action, Lord Gehenna can activate his tactical immortality. Doing so allows Lord Gehenna to completely negate any successful attack against himself, and reassign the negated attack’s damage to any visible enemy creature within 30 ft. Lord Gehenna cannot negate area effect attacks in this manner, only individually targeted attacks, whether melee or ranged.
Gehenna is a powerful alien intelligence, a creature of steel, flame and
arrogance. Lord Gehenna is worshipped as a living god by the Blooded Ghost
race, though he is not truly of their kind. Instead, Gehenna is a kind of
cosmic ghost, possibly older than the current universe. The ancient warlord
drifts through the universe as a disembodied consciousness, only dimly aware of
the passage of time, even as he (it?) slumbers for millions of years.
Occasionally, Lord Gehenna wakes, and constructs a body for himself, forging it
from ultra-dense metals found at the heart of dying pulsars, and wreathed in
star-like plasma. Gehenna has awakened at least three times during the recorded
history of the Blooded Ghost race, most recently coalescing into material form
in the Earth year 1993 CE; prior to that, Gehenna awakened 35 million years
prior, and began the Blooded Ghosts’ long war with the Culture.
In his
current incarnation, Lord Gehenna is a behemoth with an armored hull composed
of some kind of gleaming, nearly indestructible golden alloy. Shifting plates
of blood red alloy accent Gehenna’s golden armor, and shift and morph with at
the alien warlord’s whim to provide even greater levels of indestructibility.
Gehenna’s face is a snarling, eyeless, titanium skull wreathed in plasma
flames. Lord Gehenna’s internal nuclear processes bathe his surroundings in
lethal levels of heat and radiation; an ordinary human would die in minutes
merely standing close to the alien warlord.
Gehenna is insufferably arrogant; he considers unmodified homo sapiens to be mere vermin, and will never say a single word to
an ordinary human. He is only slightly more forthcoming with enhanced humans,
and while he respects the Culture’s martial prowess, he dreams of the race’s
eventual genocide. Lord Gehenna considers the Blooded Ghost race species to be
prized pets, like specially bred hunting beasts, and holds some dim affect\ion
for the species.
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