Friday, August 22, 2014


Yesterday I went to Wal-Mart, and for the first time in a few months, had the spare cash available to pick up a new action figure. I got the Total Heroes Batman figure. Total Heroes is a bargain-basement basic toyline- right now, it includes the male members of the JLA and maybe some badguys, and is sold for 10 bucks. Ten bucks for a 6 inch, nicely articulated figure? Oh hell yeah.

They had the entire League on the pegs, but I passed on Aquaman because, well, Aquaman fucking sucks (even if the gold scales did look nice) and the New 52 versions of Superman and Green Lantern, because I'm not a fan of those costumes. I was indifferent to Superman's new costume when it premiered, but in the two years since, I've gotten more and more negative about it. I'm really hoping DC ditches the new costume sooner rather than later. If the toys are still there when I next return, I might pick up their Flash. The red of his costume would really pop on my shelves.

Batman is great. It's just a great, generic representation of the bat-suit. I can even ignore the fact it's built on the Superman buck, and has those stupid pentagons on the shoulders. They're a minor quibble. This could be the Jim Lee "Hush" Batman as easily as it could be the Year One suit, as easily as it can be the New 52 Batman. It's wonderful.

Plus, I didn't realize this in package, but once I got it home and took him out of the plastic..... CLOTH CAPE. Yes! There should be a law that all Batman figures must include a cloth cape. None of that stiff plastic crap for Bruce Wayne. Also, you can hook his batrangs to pegs on the back of the utility belt for storage- that is so fucking neat. I'm not crazy about the grapple gun- it looks more like a generic sci-fi laser blaster than a grappling hook, so it's going into the 'undisplayed weapons zip-lock' I keep around, at least until I figure out another 5-6 inch figure who looks good holding it.

Right now, I've got him on display on my 'novel' shelf. He's keeping company with Zealot from the classic Wild Cats line (and is almost perfectly in scale with her).

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Izanami, Queen of Hell (CR 30)

Here is a work in progress of one of the headlining monster for an upcoming, and as yet untitled Black Tokyo bestiary. I'm going to introduce you to Izanami, one of the biggest bads of the setting. She's a CR 30 zombie apocalypse waiting to happen. This is her stat block as I saved it last night. I'll tweak a few things later- I want to modify a few abilities and give her an at-will summons that summons vast hordes of Rotting wights, so if she ever does get to Earth, she spends an hour or two summoning, and has a legion of 20,000 zombies at her disposal. 
PS: I should note that this is the actual Japanese myth! I didn't change a thing about Izanami's origins nor her motivation. 

The Dark Lady Izanami (CR 30)
Medium NE Undead (evil, fire)
XP 9,830,400
Init +6 Senses Darkvision 120 ft, lowlight vision, true sight, Perception +94          
Languages Infernal, Japanese, truespeech, telepathy 500 ft
Aura Shadows of Hell (100 ft, negative and positive energy are inverted)

AC 45 Touch 34 Flatfooted 42 (+2 DEX, +1 dodge, +10 natural, +11 armor, +6 deflection, +15 profane)
HP 74d8 + 1,110hp (1,443 HP)
Regeneration 75 (good and epic)
FORT +25 REF +28 WILL +49
Immune undead immunities, polymorph, Fire, Sonic 
Resist Acid 20, Electricity 20 Cold 20
Channel Resistance +10 SR 28

Spd 30 ft Flight 90 ft (average)
Melee four claws +58 (3d6+1 slashing, 17-20/x4 plus rotting FORT DC 52), four tentacles +57 (3d6+1 slashing plus 1d8 fire plus grab, 15 ft reach with tentacles)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 35th Concentration +93) 
Constant – Freedom of Movement, True Seeing
1x/day – quickened Teleport Without Error
- Summon (CL 35th, 1 Drakainia (B-4) or 1d6+1 Balor (B-1), 100% )
3x/day – Annihilation (W-DC 36)E
-          quickened Inflict Critical Wounds
-          Cascade of Abortion (W-DC 32)E
-          Devoured From Within (F-DC 31)E
-          Summon Monster IX
At Will - Deadly Pleasures (W-DC 29)E
            - Dimension Door
- quickened Deeper Darkness
- Fireball (R-DC 28)
- Orgasm Mine (W-DC 29)E
            - quickened Silence
E = spells described fully in Enchantments of Black Tokyo (Otherverse Games, 2014)

Str 12 Dex 15 Con - Int 26 Wis 28 Cha 41
Base Atk +55 CMB +56 CMD 68
Feats Bleeding Critical, Blinding Critical, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Items, Critical Focus, Critical Mastery, Dazzling Display, Deadly Stroke, Dodge, Exhausting Critical, Gifts of Ecstasy, Greater Spell Focus (necromancy) Improved Critical (claws), Improved Iron Will, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mastercrafter, Mobility, Multi-Attack, Nauseating Critical, Rending Claws, Shatter Defenses, Sickening Critical, Skill Focus (intimidate), Skill Focus (perception), Skill Focus (spellcraft), Spell Focus (necromancy), Spring Attack, Tiring Critical,  Unbirth, Vaginal Prison, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (claws), Whirlwind Attack
Italicized feats: Races of the Tatakama (Otherverse Games, 2013)
Skills Bluff +92/+96 sexually oriented checks, Craft (blacksmith, woodworking) all at +82, Diplomacy +92/+96 sexually oriented checks, Intimidate +98, Knowledge (arcana, religion, history, the planes) all at +85, Perception +94, Perform (sing) +89, Sense Motive +86, Spellcraft +93, Stealth +79
Gear +5 breastplate, amulet of protection +6, wand of inflict critical wounds (20+4d6 charges)

Environment The Black Else
Organization unique creature protected by an entire nation of elder oni lords and their lesser servants
Treasure triple standard

Special Abilities
            Rotting (SU)
            A creature damaged by Izanami’s claws must succeed at a DC 52 FORT save or begin rapidly rotting from the inside out. A rotting creature suffers 1d3 points of ongoing CON bleed per round, and healing spells and effects have half the usual effect when cast on a rotting creature. The rotting creature is considered nauseated. If slain while rotting, the creature rises in 1d4 rounds as a wight under Izanami’s control; there is no limit to the HD worth of undead that Izanami can control in this manner. Wights created in this manner also apply a lesser version of Rotting (DC 13) to their slam attacks.

            Undead and creatures immune to disease are also immune to Izanami’s Rotting. A creature who makes its FORT Save is immune to Izanami’s Rotting for 24 hours. Remove disease (DC 35) ends rotting, as does Heal.
            Hell Queen (SU)
            Izanami is queen of the dead, mistress of Hell itself. She is immune to melee damage from any creature that has died and returned to life via magic, such as raise dead, resurrection, reincarnation or similar magic. Likewise, she is immune to melee damage inflicted by any kind of undead creature. Such attacks pass harmless through Izanami’s body, as if she were smoke.

            Izanami receives a +20 insight bonus on Diplomacy checks made against Undead; Undead will never attack Izanami unless she attacks them first. Sentient undead are generally helpful, worshipful and obedient to Izanami; she may command mindless undead automatically.

            Shadows of Hell (SU)
            Izanami radiates an aura of darkness and entropy that warps the balance between positive and negative energy. All channeled positive or negative energy unleashed within 100 ft of Izanami is inverted; positive becomes negative, and vice versa. Cure spells cast within this aura become equivalent Inflict spells, and vice versa. Izanami’s spell-like abilities are not affected by this aura.

Unbirth (SU)
            Those trapped within Izanami’s dark, cauldron like womb return to childhood, with all its weakness and powerlessness, eventually dissolving into bloody nonexistence.

Each round a victim is trapped in Izanami’s Vaginal Prison, he or she suffers one negative level. By voluntarily suffering 1d3 points of temporary CHA damage as a swift action, Izanami can inflict additional harm to the victim as an immediate action The victim must succeed at a DC 25 WILL Save or suffer move to the beginning of the previous age category, immediately incurring the physical changes associated with aging. A creature de-aged past the Child category dies instantly and quickly devolves from baby to fetus to zygote to a mass of bloody, stillborn tissue.

            Even if the victim succeeds on their WILL Save, they still suffer 1d2 points of permanent CON Drain.

            Vaginal Prison (SU)
            Izanami’s vulva is an inescapable maw, capable of consuming her lovers whole when she finally tires of them.

            Up to eleven times per day, Izanami can transform her vagina into a tessarect space-fold. If she has successfully pinned a foe her own size or smaller, she may elect to make a second CMB check, as though attempting to pin the opponent once again. If the check is successful, Izanami’s vagina warps and stretches to impossible proportions, swelling her opponent whole.

            Once swallowed, the victim is shunted into a non-dimensional space within her body. While swallowed, the victim is considered grappled, but Izanami is not. In addition, the victim suffers 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage plus 1d8 points of additional acid damage per round. Due to the special nature of Izanami’s undeath, each round the victim also suffers 1d8 fire damage.

The victim cannot break free through physical effort, but may escape by casting any form of teleportation or dimensional travel magic, or by succeeding on a DC 30 WILL save. A freed creature reappears prone and adjacent to Izanami, in a random open square.

Izanami can trap a victim in her vaginal prison for up to 74 rounds. If the victim dies while swallowed, he or she is consumed completely, along with all non magical gear. If the victim is still alive when this enhancement ends, or if the victim breaks free with a successful WILL Save, Izanamisuffers 5d6 points of damage (FORT DC 18 half). She may choose to birth a swallowed creature at any time; any magical items swallowed can be vomited up at will also.

            Izanami was the first woman, the first goddess.
            Joining with her brother/consort/equal Izanagi, she became pregnant, and gave birth to all things, first among them, the islands of the Japanese archipelago. Fire was conceived in her womb, and it burned her alive from within. Izanami died in agony, and from her death urine and boiling, spilt blood, other gods and kami emerged.

            Izanagi descended into the underworld to recover his bride, but was terrified at what she had become- first of the undead, swollen and rotting, charred and maggot strewn, mother of centipedes and demons. Izanagi turned and ran, and his rejection (and his cowardice) enraged the undead goddess; she vowed to kill a thousand men each day. In return, Izanagi vowed to create 1,500 new lives each day, and thus, before he was able to fully seal the enraged Izanami in Hell, death entered reality.

            Izanami is the queen of the Black Else, the first and deadliest of all undead. She remains in the Black Else, bound by ancient divine wards that sealed her in the underworld. If she were ever freed to walk the Earth Realm, she would expunge all life from the planet within 48 hours. She is every fantasy of a zombie apocalypse incarnated.

            Izanami appears as a beautiful Asian woman in queenly raiment, wrapped in shadows and steam. However, beneath her dress or kimono, her abdomen and pussy are charred and blackened. Steaming blood drips from her ruined vulva, and the scent of charred pork surrounds her; a lake of hot blood lies beneath her grand throne, the warmest blood in all the Black Else. She moves slowly and deliberately, unhurried and regal, and hiding well the sharp pain walking causes her. When she fights, the blackened, forge-hot steel chains that were once her intestines lash out from her scalded, blistered vagina to drag prey screaming into the cauldron of her womb.

            Though she has never walked the Earth Realm during the life time of the human species, her plans and schemes are many. She seeks human extinction, and delights in misery. To that end, she has bequeathed a small portion of her power to the Ubume Empress, a creature of rages much like her own, and allowed The Empress to corrupt Japan and torment its women. Forced birth pleases her, rape amuses her, especially if it results in a tragic pregnancy or death in childbirth. Izanami despises her own gender most of all- had she been male, she never would of felt the pain of miscarriage and death. Izanami also despises Goryohime, because they die willingly, and become beautiful in their transition to undeath, and being undead girls can never suffer as she did, in a birthing bed stained with blood and fire. Goryohime are in many ways the antithesis of what Izanami has become.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Okay, I just sent the completed draft of Enchantments of Black Tokyo off to Mark about 20 minutes ago.

The manuscript topped out at 246 pages- 243 pages of content minus the cover, OGL page and credits page. About 200 new spells, around 75 new weapons and armors each, plus around 200+ total wondrous items and artifacts. It's a huge, capital C CRUNCHY book.

Last night I did the final layout- basically worked through the same process as all my recent releases. Put on a DVD of cop shows- season 6 of NYPD Blue in this case, create a rough draft PDF and than go through page by page looking for pixelated images, images that pass into the page border or have a pixel of white space between the black border line and the left or right edge of the image, ugly table layouts, ect. This book I wanted to make sure the Spell Resistance listings for all the spells weren't cut off. So for 200 spells, instead of letting the entry look like this
Resistance Yes

because of the word wrap, I had to go through and make sure it looked like
Spell Resistance Yes

Same thing with the weights of the magic items, it was bugging me to see
8 lbs

rather than

Weight 8 lbs

It's not really an error per se, just something I wanted to correct and I think I got 'em all.

Anyway, look for Enchantments of Black Tokyo up later this week.

Also, give me an idea what to work on next. I've got several projects lined up next, but I'd love to hear what you guys would want to see.

Blessed Be,

Monday, August 11, 2014

Two Covers: Enchantments of Black Tokyo

 I've just started laying out Enchantments of Black Tokyo. Right now, I'm about 60 pages in, having completed the front matter and pushed about halfway through the spells. After work tonight, I'm going to lay out the spells starting with "M" onward.

In terms of format, I think I will be selling Enchantments of BTU in a zip file, containing multiple PDFs: The Spells, Magic Weapons, Magic Armor, Wondrous Items and Artifacts. That should make it a little easier on the reader, since each section is going to be fairly weighty.

Here are two potential covers I've designed. Both are pretty solid, and fit with the visual style I've established for Black Tokyo products. I decided to use the top cover for the book- both images are strong and depict what I asked John to provide- an occult battle. I ended up picking the top cover, with the Mortal Kombat style spellcasters, because when I shrunk the two images to 2 inches, which is about the size of an RPGnow preview image, the action and colors 'read' better.

Talk to you later,

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cute Demons in Tiger Panties!

Well, things are getting back under control in my personal life. I’ve just started a new job, with another restaurant, and they already love me like a fat kid loves chocolate.

Right now, I’m waiting on the last few images for Enchantments of Black Tokyo. Soon as I have them, I lay that puppy out, and you’re reading a truly massive collection of spells, magic items and general hentai weirdness on your tablet.

I’m going to break the Enchantments of Black Tokyo sourcebook into what I feel are fairly obvious chapters: spells, wondrous items (itself broken into three subheads: consumable magic items, wondrous sex toys, and regular wondrous items, due to the MASSIVE size of this chapter), magic armor, magic weapons and artifacts (also broken into two subheadings: major and minor artifacts). A smaller chapter will deal with new archetypes, sorcerer bloodlines and the like.

So today, you’re getting a preview of each chapter. A new spell, some new wondrous items, weapons and magical armor. The image on the page was the inspiration for the new spells; there’s a ton of similar anime homages scattered throughout this book, and hopefully you’ll have some fun hunting them all down.

Expect Enchantments of Black Tokyo soon.

Oni’s Pelt
School transmutation Level alchemist 2, cleric 2, druid 2, sorc/wiz 2, witch 2
Casting Time one standard action
Components V, S, M (blood, teeth or nail clippings from an Ironclub Oni)
Range touch
Duration 1 minute/level (D)                 
Saving Throw WILL negates (harmless) Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
            A phantom tiger pelt appears, sheathing the recipient’s body, and their face flushes bright red, and their lips curl back into a snarl. This spell provides a male recipient with a +4 equipment bonus to Armor Class, and a +2 morale bonus on Intimidate checks and saves against fear.

A tiger pelt bikini appears on a female recipient, and provides her with a +3 equipment bonus to Armor Class, and a +2 morale bonus on Bluff checks, saves against fear and REF Saving throws.

Oni’s Pelt, Mass
School transmutation Level alchemist 6, cleric 6, druid 6, sorc/wiz 6, witch 6
Range close (25 ft + 5 ft/ 2 levels)
Targets one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft apart.
            This spell functions identically to Oni’s Pelt, except that it affects multiple creatures, each according to their own gender.

Dark Lolimon Card (Cn)

Aura moderate transmutation CL 10th

Slot none Price 2,500 gp (DC 21) Weight negligible
            This collectable game card depicts a little loli girl dressed in a costume that is supposed to make her look fearsome, but only accentuates her butt. The Japanese text gives in-game stats for fearsome horrors like werewolves, dragons and demons, but their roles are played by petite seductresses in fantasy cosplay.

            If the Dark Lolimon Card is torn and tossed in the general direction of a creature, that creature is affected by baleful polymorph. On a failed save, the creature becomes a Small Humanoid with 1 HD and 9s in all ability scores and no special talents or abilities. The creature speaks one language spoken by the person who tore the card and shares his or her alignment. Her skimpy clothing resembles her previous form in some manner.

Requirements Scribe Scroll, baleful polymorph

Dying Girl Panties

Aura moderate transmutation CL 5th

Slot belt Price 18,500 gp (DC 28) Weight negligible
            These bruise-purple silken panties have a little grey skull decoration on the gusset, and the English motto “Die a little death with me” printed repeated along the waistband. Goryohime often hand stitch these panties as a gift for young girls who have experienced the noose dream- giving them a chance to experience existence as a Goryohime undead temporarily before committing to the noose forever.
            Upon command or at need, up to three times per day, the wearer may call upon the panty’s magic to be transformed via undead anatomy I. While in this form, she becomes immune to suffocation, death effects and the sickened and nauseated conditions and gains lowlight vision. This form may be maintained for up to three minutes per activation. The Dying Girl Panties will always transform the wearer if daily uses remain when she is targeted by a death effect or begins to suffocate.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, undead anatomy I, creator must be a Goryohime
Cost 9,250 gp (DC 25)

Kirishitan Crucifix

Aura moderate evocation CL 5th

Slot none Price 4,500 gp (DC 23) Weight 5 lbs
            This ancient crucifix is a relic of the Edo-Shogunate period of Japanese history, when Kirishitans (Japanese Catholic coverts) were actively persecuted. This large, heavy crucifix is gilded and unlike Western crucifixes, it depicts a seated figure, who might be the Buddha, but is instead an atypical depiction of Christ. This figure is seated in the lotus position at the center of the cross’ arms.
            The Kirishitan Crucifix is an extremely large holy symbol, usually held aloft during a holy procession. If this crucifix is presented as a holy symbol by any Christian or Gothic Christian Cleric channeling positive energy, the cleric rolls D8s rather than D6s to determine the channeled energy’s efficacy.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, ability to channel positive energy 3d6
Cost 2,250 gp (DC 21)

Deba Bocho

Aura strong transmutation CL 10th

Slot none Price 7,600 gp (DC 25) Weight 1 lb
            Deba bocho are a type of Japanese kitchen cleaver with a shovel-shaped blade, primarily used to cut the heads off fish. The magical versions of these blades have an even sharper edge.
            The Deba Bocho is a +1 keen, mighty cleaving dagger. It also provides the owner with a +4 bonus on Profession (chef) checks if he primarily prepares either fish or occult dishes.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, divine power, keen edge
Cost 3,900 gp (DC 23)

Aura faint enchantment CL 3rd

Slot head Price 7,200 gp (DC 25) Weight negligible
            This attractive amber beret is trimmed with black, and depicts a golden shield crest bearing the Clovers Academy’s motto. The Academy often bestows such golden berets upon particularly heroic students as a reward for valor above and beyond the call of duty.
            Three times per day, when acting in defense of innocents or opposing evil, the wearer may choose to benefit from Gallant Inspiration. If the bonus provided is +8, the beret flies off and lands in an adjacent square.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, gallant inspiration
Cost 3,600 gp (DC 22)

Clovers Academy Uniform

Aura faint conjuration CL 3rd   

Slot armor Price 3,000 gp (DC 22) Weight 2 lbs
            The Clovers Academy uniform is a somber black school uniform trimmed with gold, and decorated by a black and gold checker pattern crest on the blazer’s breast. Girls wear canary yellow ties and black skirts, while males wear black slacks.
            The Clovers Academy Uniform is a +1 School Uniform. While wearing the uniform, the character automatically stabilizes.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, stabilize
Cost 1,500 gp (DC 19)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Sorry For the Recent Lack of Posts

As the title suggests, sorry I haven't been posting much this July.

It's been a rough month. I found out that my current employer was intentionally not paying me for all hours I worked, and was taking some rather suspicious deductions out of my paycheck, so after a nice shouting match with the company's district manager I had to find another, hopefully more honest and honorable, employer.

Also my mom is having some rather serious health concerns.

Plus, and this is the least of the problems, my laptop died and I had to purchase a new one.

So naturally, you can see why I haven't been doing too much work on Enchantments of Black Tokyo.

However, I'm coming out the other side of this tunnel of woe, and Enchantments of Black Tokyo will be ready for sale as soon as I get a few last pieces of artwork. After that, I want to put out a Print on Demand version of the Nemesis Bestiary series, a new bestiary for Heavy Future, using a mix of John's art and relevant stock, and some other stuff.