Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Art Preview: The Battle of Boston

Here's a preview of the cover of the Otherverse America Game Master's Guide, which will be released (hopefully) day and date with the revised Core Rulebook. Felipe Gaona did this amazing piece, and I'll be getting at least 2-3 more pieces from him. Expect some big scenic shots of San Francisco, Boston and Pensacola. Like the incredible Kieth Parkinson painting of Chi-Town in the Rifts Ultimate Edition, these setting illustrations will really help sell this world as a living, breathing place.

I'm also in talks with a new artist named Scott Holmes to do some artwork for me. I'll be putting up his gallery soon, over on my blogroll.

Finally, I just sent out a visual guide to the Otherverse America setting to all the artists and freelancers working for me. It's pretty art heavy and text-light, just giving them an idea of the look of the world. It's got tons of great art by Amanda Webb, Alex Garcia, Mark Hyzer, Felipe Gaona and a couple of others, and shitty art by me. It's too rough for real publication, but if you're a fan of Otherverse Games, I'll gladly send you a copy gratis. Just email a request to me at It's a neat little thing to have.


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