The original illustration depicted a cybernetic Lifer terrorist, by Vic Shane.Take a look at what ELSE I did with that artwork....
Cyberpunk Rocker (CR 5)
Medium Chaotic* Monstrous Humanoid (cyborg)
*equally likely to be Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil, but
CE is the hottest, because crazy is always kinda hot
XP 1,200
Init +3 Senses Darkvision 90 ft,
lowlight vision, wifi/cellular/television and radio reception, Perception +7
Languages Galactic
Common, English
AC 16 Touch
10 Flatfooted 16 (+6 natural)
HP 6d10 + 12 hp
(45 HP)
+7 WILL +1
Immune Cyborg
Immunities (drowning, hunger, suffocation, thirst, vacuum, the sickened and
nauseated conditions, death effects, ability drain, energy drain)
Spd 40 ft
Melee +9/+4 mwk dagger (1d4+3 slashing, 19-20/x2)
Ranged +9/+4
Death Falcon Rocker (2d8 sonic, 20/x2, 50 ft range increment, single shot, 6
internal cell)
Or +14 Perform check as a full round
action rather than a Ranged Attack Roll
Special Qualities Famous Monsters of Fuckywood T-Shirt, Take It All Off!, Unhealing
Str 15 Dex
16 Con 14 Int 10 Wis
11 Cha 14
Base Atk +6
CMB +8 CMD 21
Feats Catch
Off Guard, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (rocker), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Skill
Focus (perform), Simple Weapons Proficiency
Skills Knowledge
(local) +4, Perception +7, Perform (rocker) +14, Stealth +10
Gear Death
Falcon Rocker, masterwork dagger, sexy
Famous Monsters of Old Fuckywood concert tee, miniskirt without underwear,
Guitar God’s Gloves
Environment any urban (underground concert halls,
drug dens and the occasional cyber-strip club)
Organization solitary
or accompanying a rowdy bunch of galactic garage rockers, drug dealers, petty
criminals and other scum
Treasure standard
(including usable cyber-components scavenged from her body)
Special Abilities
Monsters of Fuckywood T-Shirt (SU)
The Cyberpunk Rocker loves her concert tee,
and has an entire closet of similar t-shirts. Each shirt bears a one word
description of a famous Fuckywood monster (and the title of one of the band’s
albums. Concert dates and locations are on the back. Depending on which t-shirt
she’s wearing, the Cyberpunk Rocker gains one of the following benefits. This
is a property of the Cyberpunk Rocker and her stalkery devotion to the band,
not the shirt itself….though the Rocker would argue otherwise.
It should be “Monster” but everybody
just calls the fucker Frankenstein, including the band. The Cyberpunk Rocker
gains a 25% chance to ignore critical hits or sneak attacks, as if she
possessed the light fortification feature.
The Cyberpunk Rocker can become
ethereal as a swift action for up to two rounds. This ability is usable once
per encounter.
The Cyberpunk Rocker gains a 40 ft
Swim speed and a +8 enchantment bonus to Swim checks.
The Cyberpunk Rocker gains the following spell-like
ability (CL 4th – Concentration +6). 1x/day – Vampiric Touch (DC 15)
The Cyberpunk Rocker gains the Scent special quality and inflicts +2
damage with her dagger.
Take All
It Off! (SU)
As a move equivalent action, the Cyberpunk
Rocker can rip off her shirt, destroying it. Doing so reveals her beautiful
metal tits, providing her with the following benefits. These benefits last for
the duration of the encounter.
- +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class
- Increase base land speed to 50 ft
- The Cyberpunk Rocker can make one additional dagger attack per round, at her full base attack bonus.
Unhealing (EX)
The Cyberpunk Rocker does not heal damage
naturally, and healing spells and effects only have half the normal effect when
used to benefit her.
Hot chromed out bitch, dressed in sexy fetish club gear. Full cyborg
conversion never looked so good. She’s hiding those fine titanium-alloy titties
behind a Famous Monsters of Fuckywood
concert tee. She’ll show ‘em off when the band goes into a guitar solo (or if
she starts getting really pissed off in combat). Or if she needs to get into a
club and the bouncer likes mecha. Or if she’s getting free drinks or
cyber-maintenance. Or if things are too quiet and she wants to start some trouble
with Command law enforcement. Or if…..
Cyberpunk Rocker is pretty crazy, at least as far as her devotion to her
favorite death metal band goes. She’s killed people and stolen starships to get
to gigs in out of the way places. She’s a decent guitarist herself, wielding a
Death Falcon Rocker modeled on one the band’s lead guitarist uses on stage.
When it comes times to throw down,
she pulls a knife out of her boot and goes to work, hacking away maniacally,
though she really prefers to unleash sonic-blast solos on her rocker. If she
can’t get to her dagger or rocker, she’s got no compunctions about bashing
somebody upside the head with an amp. In fact, she usually starts the fight. If
somebody pisses her off (especially by insinuating that Famous Monsters’ older
stuff was better) she usually settles the dispute with a beer bottle to the