Friday, January 21, 2011

Black Tokyo III Is Out! (NSFW)

More good news: Black Tokyo III: Tales of the Tatakama has just gone up at RPGnow. It's going to be a fun release- there's a new player race called the Daughters of Kirin. They're big, beautiful, glamorous and heroic women with unicorn blood. We've got a new advanced class called the Assault Witch: think the mecha-musumane anime Strike Witches and you're there. We've also got new starting talents that transforms an ordinary D20 Modern game into something uniquely Japanese, and a new selection of monsters.

So right now, in addition to plugging Black Tokyo, I'm restarting the dormant Dept Seven Advanced Class line. These new superheroic character options will support Psi-Watch, Otherverse America, Galaxy Command and occasionally Black Tokyo. The core concept between each new Advanced Class will be usable in any high power D20 Modern or D20 Future setting, while side bars throughout the text will detail the specifics of how the classes work in a particular world. I figure that my greatest strength is the fact I've got four very cool campaign settings. Supporting 'em can only bring in more profits.

Let me give you a visual hint of what I'm planning for the first articles for the line. Expect some advanced classes that let you play THESE GUYS:

Finally, let me drop something a bit unusual on you all. We all know I'm a Legion of Superheroes fan, especially a fan of Triad. Her origin story post Zero Hour during the early years of the post-Zero Hour run ranks as one of the best single issues I've ever read. My love for the character inspired Free20: Threeway, which detailed the Trius race for Galaxy Command.

Anyway, Triad is a favorite, and well... you know what? Black Tokyo III is out, Legion Lost is getting released in collected form at long last, and today's the Roe Anniversary. You know what. Fuck it, I feel like celebrating a bit. So take a look at some bizarre and wonderful thing I found while searching for LOSH artwork one day. It's NSFW in the extreme, and unfortunately I'm not sure who the artist is.

Anyway, talk to you later.

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